.Nicki. - time flies.

YOu are doing well sweetie :bighug: I am so proud of you. Let me know what the doctors say wont you?

I am glad you explained about the washing machine as when I began to read about it I had visions of you rocking on the floor watching the machine go around :eek: I feel better now I know you are just checking for leaks huni :8855:

I shall have a look at your blog too.

So do you think the slimpods start the dreams? I've not had enough sleep to dream lately so don'[t know if they would do that to me. But I don't find i fall asleep after listening to them so I listen during the day now too. I do think they help me big time though so I can't thank you enough for telling me about them. I came across a thread by Divster about them too but now that I want to comment on that thread I cannot find it again :rolleyes: so Divster if you read this do tell me where to find your thread please as I found it interesting ..

Nicki goodluck sweetie :D xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

There you go, its in the general weight loss bit. I do think slimpods are related to my dreams but I think Its my subconscious because when I was feeling low and having a bad day I was having nightmares, but now I'm more positive they're not nightmares just vivid dreams which seem to relate to things going on. So maybe if they turn to nightmares again I'll try and research if they mean anything.

No leaks, wohoo, means maisie will have her comfy blanket back tonight!
hi nicki, hope day 2 is still going well, i was told that dreaming about your teeth falling out means you are worrying about money. I had the teeth falling out dream once, its not nice! Good luck at the docs xx
The slimpods really amaze me because I really feel they work as they have so far changed my view on food totally :D :thankyou: but when you listen the first few times, you think 'how can this work? he doesn't say that much?' odd.....

Hopefully by listening in the day it will help too Nicki and in theory as you change the way you think about things the dreams.nightmares should change too? :bighug: :bighug:

I do wonder if some of my food hang ups have connections to my Dad etc and i've shed a few tears this week, woken in the night thinking of him, thought i heard him twice :eek: so maybe they do these things and I just hadn't made the connection>

THanks for the linky sweetie I shall have a look later xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
morning Nicki, are maisie and bella 2 wee dogs? I have an adorable lab-springer mix, it's hard to clear up when he is indoors as he thinks you're playing and licks my face when I bend down to pick up stuff lol.

We are all here for you pet, so keep that in mind and post if you find things tough.:) I must say I admire your organization, I think thats where i go wrong, im so impulsive i just jump in feet first without thinking things through. But i like your bible idea thats really good to have something to look through when you're wondering why you are doing this.;)
hi nicki, hope day 2 is still going well, i was told that dreaming about your teeth falling out means you are worrying about money. I had the teeth falling out dream once, its not nice! Good luck at the docs xx

They're really freaky aren't they,

The slimpods really amaze me because I really feel they work as they have so far changed my view on food totally :D :thankyou: but when you listen the first few times, you think 'how can this work? he doesn't say that much?' odd.....

Hopefully by listening in the day it will help too Nicki and in theory as you change the way you think about things the dreams.nightmares should change too? :bighug: :bighug:

I do wonder if some of my food hang ups have connections to my Dad etc and i've shed a few tears this week, woken in the night thinking of him, thought i heard him twice :eek: so maybe they do these things and I just hadn't made the connection>

THanks for the linky sweetie I shall have a look later xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

I'm starting to suspect that they bring you're issues regarding food out so you can deal with them. But maybe he's just letting you know that he's still around, watching over you. When I was losing the baby I kept smelling my gran, at first I thought I was imagining it but it was defiantly there a few times, I like to think she came back just to make sure I was ok through the tough time.

morning Nicki, are maisie and bella 2 wee dogs? I have an adorable lab-springer mix, it's hard to clear up when he is indoors as he thinks you're playing and licks my face when I bend down to pick up stuff lol.

We are all here for you pet, so keep that in mind and post if you find things tough.:) I must say I admire your organization, I think thats where i go wrong, im so impulsive i just jump in feet first without thinking things through. But i like your bible idea thats really good to have something to look through when you're wondering why you are doing this.;)

dogs? no! monsters? yes!
this is maisie

This is Bella

They're my babies! I'd love a dog but I don't think these 2 would be very impressed, lol.
I'm not sure why I'm so organised with this, I think maybe because I want it so bad, even more so after I've had those dreadful pictures taken :cry:

I'm starting to struggle now, I'm feeling a little hungry, my throats sore so I want to drink loads, but my tummy doesn't want more liquid.

aww they're cute! I used to mix a shake with 40 mls water in a cup and eat with a teaspoon, kinda like a yoghurt? Gave me the chewing feeling a little bit.
HE SIGNED IT :D Actually he seemed pleased I was doing something positive. So just got to get through work on Thursday which is my first big test really because habit is to go to co op for coke, shop for a cake or what not.
I'm sat here literally holding my nose, Steve is cooking his tea and its my favorite bbq chicken wraps and I'm struggling a little, not much though its just nice. Bit excited for weigh in now, hope I've lost something. Going to retry the chocolate orange shake again and see if yesterday was because I was ill or if its just gross.
Oh good god I'm struggling! Both shakes have been nasty today, did one in the shaker as I have to use that tomorrow, the other was a ready made I was hoping to take to work, only drank about 3/4's of both.
I've got a rotten headache and feel like jacking it all in, I'm so hungry today. Can't help feeling I should have stuck to slimming world but I no this is the hardest day and it will get easier but being ill makes it harder :wave_cry: i'm not having a good day.
Hey Lovelies,
Today has been okish, diet wise was fine, had a shake at work and no major dramas. Don't feel hungry just a little achey, but hopefully that will pass and it will all be worth it at weigh in tomorrow.
Found out today that my manager is pregnant, i'm trying to be happy for her, i really am but i'm finding it hard.
you made it to friday!!! yippee!! how are you feeling?? xx

I did, thought it would never get here. Have to say i'm feeling pretty good right now.

So just got back from first weigh in and I lost

Not bad for 5 days worth of dieting. So chuffed, can't wait till next weigh in, might just get my 2 stone by christmas!