One day at a time, one step at a time
YOu are doing well sweetie :bighug: I am so proud of you. Let me know what the doctors say wont you?
I am glad you explained about the washing machine as when I began to read about it I had visions of you rocking on the floor watching the machine go around I feel better now I know you are just checking for leaks huni :8855:
I shall have a look at your blog too.
So do you think the slimpods start the dreams? I've not had enough sleep to dream lately so don'[t know if they would do that to me. But I don't find i fall asleep after listening to them so I listen during the day now too. I do think they help me big time though so I can't thank you enough for telling me about them. I came across a thread by Divster about them too but now that I want to comment on that thread I cannot find it again so Divster if you read this do tell me where to find your thread please as I found it interesting ..
Nicki goodluck sweetie xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
I am glad you explained about the washing machine as when I began to read about it I had visions of you rocking on the floor watching the machine go around I feel better now I know you are just checking for leaks huni :8855:
I shall have a look at your blog too.
So do you think the slimpods start the dreams? I've not had enough sleep to dream lately so don'[t know if they would do that to me. But I don't find i fall asleep after listening to them so I listen during the day now too. I do think they help me big time though so I can't thank you enough for telling me about them. I came across a thread by Divster about them too but now that I want to comment on that thread I cannot find it again so Divster if you read this do tell me where to find your thread please as I found it interesting ..
Nicki goodluck sweetie xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx