Aww Bestie
What are we going to do with you?
Big big hugs to you my darling x It's such a shame that you've taken a big knock just when you were doing so well. Unfortunately that's probably going to happen quite a lot hun
I agree with everything Jackie said bestie...she's very sensible.
How many shakes have you got? Maybe use up what you have left and then see how you feel? It's still very early days, and cd is a really difficult thing to follow, but from what I've read it seems it gets easier as time goes on.
Or come back to SW. But tbh, you have to really WANT to do it. All these diets work, but only if you throw yourself into them! Sounds a bit drastic I know but enthusiasm goes a long way lol!
You know we're all behind you whatever you decide to do, and we will always support you in any way we can x
Have a good think sweetie, but please don't get too down about things. You're still very young and there's still lots of time for you to lose your weight. And I really hope you make me an auntie too one day xxx But your happiness, health and well being must come first so you mustn't put too much pressure on yourself bestie x
Lots of love as always xxx