Journey to a healthier me
Glad you had a nice day off yesterday hun
and you feel refreshed!! A Monday off is always good. Hope you're having a nice day (and got some work done hehe) xxxx
Well, my OH has really cheered me up todayTook me shopping (which he hates), then for a lovely meal (i had rump steak, jacket & peas!! yum!), then to this MASSIVE pet shop i've been wanting to go to for weeks as they have a really big aquarium and animal section
and i also wanted to get some things for my dogs! so i've had a really lovely day!
I'm finally feeling better about this nasty 'friend' that has let me down bigtime! i've come to the conclusion that she can get stuffed in the future! and i will never go out of my way for her ever ever ever again!! its a horrible gut renching feeling to be hurt so much by a friend but time is a healer and i know who my real friends are now! x x x x