Discover Nicola's 2012 'Get me to goal' diary !

Hehehe! I know that your end of the country call them that lol. But I've heard allsorts - stoaties, rolls. Crazy lol xx
what do we call what?? lol i havn't got a danny what a barmcake is! lol although it has the word "cake" in so it must be nice :D
Roll/ Bun/ Bap/ Stottie - heard em all lol x
Its a bread roll dinx lol, thinking back when i was in gret yarmouth in april they did look at me a bit funny when i asked for a ham salad barmcake :) and what the bloody hells a stottie hahah! thats so funny? is it scottish carly??
2 x crumpets - 2pts
Peanut butter & light spread - 1pt
Cookie - 1.5pts

Cous cous - 3pts
Snack a jacks - 1.5pts
milkyway magic stars - 4pts

Tomato & herb mugshot - 3.5pts

Total 16.5pts
Think stottie is north east... Not sure lol :) x
beat ya on here this morning NicNac!!! :p gawd I hate early mornings lol havent had 2 7 o'clocks in a day for a few weeks!! hope my little northern barmcake is doin ok :) lol
Omggggg, can't believe you beat me on here lol!! and northern barmcake is AAAA OKAYYYYY :D

I can't remember if i said, but i went to my doctors yesterday to have annual bp/weight check for my pill and even though i have lost nearly FOUR stone in total since July 2010, they didnt even seem impressed :( just harpered on about how i need to lose more, putting myself at risk heart disease etc etc etc, way to put me on a downer! I think i've done bloody brilliant!!! doctors are never happy!! :rolleyes:

On the plus side my blood pressure was normal :D which i'm pleased about as i always feel like i'm nervous at the doctors lol!!

2 x crumpets with light spread, marmite - 3pts
Pringles - 2.5pts

Small tin Heinz spag bol - 2.5pts
Crunchie - 4pts

1/2 Cheese pasta mugshot - 2.5pts
WW wrap - 1.5pts
salami x 3 - 1.5pts
cheese triangle - 0.5pts

Baked cheese & onion - 1.5pts

Total - 19.5pts
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stooopid drs...what do they know eh!!! winds me up when ppl cant acknowledge the effort and the GOOD job we have done so far...just say \/ to em lol

you HAVE done brilliantly...and will keep doing so, its people like them that stop ppl like us from carrying on, they make us think its pointless so we give in...well dont let the ******* get ya down!! :D

ohhhhh a crunchie.....i aint had 1 of those for like EVER...want one now!!
Ahhh what a total arse, grrr. Take no notice of them hun, you have done amazing and still are! Yeah as dinx says give them the old V. I know some docs have been unpleasant to one of my friends, they just looks at stats, what do they expect us to do lose it over night!!! Food looks yummy for today :) xx
Thanks girlies :) good advice :) just gotta remember i'm doing it for me not the doc hehe although would be better if they could crack a smile once in a while! x x x
None (had blood test)

Mid morning
Peppermint tea - 0pts

Mugshot chicken noodles - 3.5pts
Gingerbread man - 3.5pts (for being a brave girl :p haha)
Pepperoni & cheese crisp - 2pts

3 x milk roll with light spread & marmite - 3pts

crisps - 2pts

Total - 14

Don't feel like i've lost this week but we'll see :) can't stop eating junk food though lol xxx
doesnt look like you have eaten junk!! hope the blood test went ok....did you get a gold star sticker too??? :p

lookin forward to seeing your loss tomorrow :D
Good luck for tomorrow hun :D you're doing great and certainly not eating junk! Get eating all your points young lady lol ;) xx
Hi girls :) lost 0.5lb :), and thank you, but you know when you just feel like u cant stop munching lol,

Going to have a lovely roast for lunch cant wait! dont usually point on a friday but think i'm going to today as only lost half x x x
Well done on your loss hun, that's fab :D you are doing soo well!! You're an inspiration!! Yum yum hope you enjoyed your roast :) sounds delicious :) Have a lovely weekend xxxxx
wooooohoooooooooo *waves* been soooooo busy today!! popped on before bed to see your results...and well done you on your loss!! hope you had a lovely day :)...gonna go check on angels loss and then post mine ;)
Well done for the loss mrs :) stupid doctors! Grrrr xx
I'm off today :) Done all my house work so just waiting on my mum to get her bum round to my house so we can go shopping and lunching!! have a great day everyone! its so windy here! my puppy keeps howling because of it and i think my other dog is getting annoyed lol!!! x x x x
Hi all :) had a great day yesterday! lovely day off work but weather wasnt up to much! feel very refreshed now! and i have actually done some work this morning instead of hanging around in the kitchen 'making brews' and chatting :eek:

Pint of water!

Mid morning
Gammon & mustard crisps - 2pts

Mugshot noodle, chicken - 3.5pts
WW crackers - 0.5pts

Uncle bens spicy mexican rice - 6pts
BBQ Sauce - 0.5pts

4 x mints - 2pts
Baked crisp - 1.5pts

Total 16pts
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