Nicola's Cuba Countdown

Oh yes I think I'll have to accept my complicated pieces need to go to a new home but I'm not giving up without a fight!! I used to be good with a sewing machine back at school, I can just see myself tearing seams open and then having no idea what to do lol.

I'm actually going to try my wedding dress on soon, a friend is going to take new pictures of me in it, thought it'd be fun to try it on again two years later :)

Haha yes I could see me doing that too, bring on piles of mangled clothes! I used to love designing and making clothes for myself when I was skinnier, so will have to get back into that too...

Let us see pics of the wedding dress! x
Pre-weigh in nerves, eek!! Unofficial weigh-in at home shows 11st 8lbs, so am hoping that translates to a loss of some sort on the scales at group!! :) But we shall see.... will report back this afternoon! x
Eeep good luck!! I'm sure it'll be close to the same!

I'm the same weight I THINK as I was on my wedding day, perhaps less I'm not sure! I guess I'll find out if its loose when I try it on lol =D

This is perhaps my fave ever pic that a friend took! Out of all the ones I paid professionally for I end up having this as I my fave lol. Look slim that's why :p


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Eeep good luck!! I'm sure it'll be close to the same!

I'm the same weight I THINK as I was on my wedding day, perhaps less I'm not sure! I guess I'll find out if its loose when I try it on lol =D

This is perhaps my fave ever pic that a friend took! Out of all the ones I paid professionally for I end up having this as I my fave lol. Look slim that's why :p

Oh you looked gorgeous hun!! That's a lovely dress! x
Well good evening girls (and boys!)

I am incredibly pleased to report that the scales were yet again kind to me, and I lost another 1.5lbs, taking me to 11st 8lbs as my own scales predicted!! :D Which in turn meant that I hit and surpassed my Club 10 (11st 9lbs), so got my award for that today as well as my Silver Body Magic Award (am on for Gold next week, but hadn't told consultant that I'd hit Silver 3 weeks ago until today :D So all in all, a good day at group!!

Followed that up with a lovely lunch out with a friend where I made healthy choices, and then, the most exciting bit of the day, I went into the travel agents and finally booked my trip to Las Vegas and San Francisco for September!!! So I am officially on countdown and the pressure to get down to 9st 7lbs by then is definitely on! :D If I can keep up these 1.5lb losses each week I'll be there before I know it!

And then, in the spirit of ensuring Wednesday night "treat night" was kept at bay I went to Sainsbury's and stocked up on fruit & yogurts for the next few days, and then went to the gym!! Finally home now (after setting out at about 10am this morning!) and cooking myself up a favourite but still low-syn tea, and think there may be a chocolate bar to celebrate later tonight :) What a day!!

So my summary for today...

Weigh-in: 1.5lbs off, taking me to 11st 8lbs!
Breakfast: WW Yogurt, Raspberries (SS)
Lunch: Prawn ‘Puttanesca’, linguini pasta, king prawns (S), tomato (S), chilli (S), black olives, anchovies, capers and garlic breadcrumbs (without the capers as don't like them) (HEB for the breadcrumbs (even though was probably only 20-30g, just to be safe), 2 Syns for any oil that might have been used in cooking), Half a Gin & Slimline Tonic (1.5 Syns), Tea (0.5 Syns)
Exercise: 30 mins at gym (15 mins bike, 15 mins run/uphill walk - gym was just soooo hot, had to stop running after 13 mins as thought was going to die!)
Dinner: Boiled Potatoes, Roasted Baby Carrots (S), Green Beans (S), 2 x Chicken Chargrills (6 Syns), 75g Philly Light (HEA)
Snacks: Strawberries (SS), 2 Pink n Whites (5 Syns)

Summary: 1 x HEA, 1 x HEB, 15 Syns, 30 mins Exercise, 7 Speed Foods, 1.5lbs lost! :D

Hope you've all had good Wednesdays? Thanks for all your positive vibes and wishes, they obviously worked!! :D xx

Tonight's dinner:

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Pahaha I wish I could zooooooom! :D

Haha me too.... it's more likely to be a pensioner-on-a-mobility-scooter style z-o-o-o-o-o-o-m!!! ;)
I love the positivity through your post! I lost 1.5lbs this week too so it's all good. I'm desperate to get to my goal. N my whole adult life I've been so close to my goal, closest I got was half a pound and then eventually it just started going back on.
its because I have to introduce exercise I imagine and this time I have.
im not daft though. Ill have posted these exact same messages 10 years ago. This time I just need to do it.
goal isn't too far away but my goal date is. I have got three birthdays next weekend though (including mine, so I've got to mentally prepare for that)
keep it up everyone.
I love the positivity through your post! I lost 1.5lbs this week too so it's all good. I'm desperate to get to my goal. N my whole adult life I've been so close to my goal, closest I got was half a pound and then eventually it just started going back on.
its because I have to introduce exercise I imagine and this time I have.
im not daft though. Ill have posted these exact same messages 10 years ago. This time I just need to do it.
goal isn't too far away but my goal date is. I have got three birthdays next weekend though (including mine, so I've got to mentally prepare for that)
keep it up everyone.

Well done on the 1.5lbs, that's great!! :) I know what you mean about continually getting near target and then letting it all go again - I've done that twice (once in my early 20s, and once in my early 30s) and kicked myself both times for undoing all my hard work! This time I do feel very determined that it's going to be the last time I lose this weight, no matter what else gets in the way, as there will always be something that can easily be used as an excuse to let the healthy eating slip (for me it was my mum being sick and me moving countries last year), but I need to find other ways than food to address these times of stress, e.g. exercise or friends :) 3 birthdays next weekend will be hard work, but I'm sure you have the determination to make the best choices possible, although I am an advocate of birthdays (your own only, of course) being the one day of the year when it is perfectly acceptable to be 100% off plan! :D x
Well good evening girls (and boys!)

I am incredibly pleased to report that the scales were yet again kind to me, and I lost another 1.5lbs, taking me to 11st 8lbs as my own scales predicted!! :D Which in turn meant that I hit and surpassed my Club 10 (11st 9lbs), so got my award for that today as well as my Silver Body Magic Award (am on for Gold next week, but hadn't told consultant that I'd hit Silver 3 weeks ago until today :D So all in all, a good day at group!!

Congratulations, very proud of you! You're doing so so so well! That target will be smashed before your holibobs for sure xx
Congratulations, very proud of you! You're doing so so so well! That target will be smashed before your holibobs for sure xx

Thanks Emma, I really hope so!! :) I keep filling in the Weight Loss Record that I downloaded from here and the predictions for getting to target are still a bit after my hols due to all my slow weeks in Jan-Mar, but I reckon if I can keep this momentum up I might be ok! xx
Looking at your picture I thought you WERE in your 20s!
Just to clarify, I mean age not dress size.
Haha you charmer! :) That's very sweet of you but I'm definitely 32, and that's a very flattering photo ;) x