Nicola's Cuba Countdown

I think you got your wish Ben, what a beautiful day today!!! :D At least it's the bank hol so I can still enjoy this til Tuesday!

Was meant to have no plans for today, but a friend has called and asked if I want to go out for lunch and the cinema, so have just had a nice filling breakfast to ensure I don't make any unhealthy choices while I'm out seeing as this will be my 3rd lunch out this week and another to come tomorrow!! :) Love weeks off but they really are all about food!

Debated doing the Park Run again this morning but am having a bit of trouble with my right leg, it feels like it's going to collapse underneath me when I go up and down the stairs, very bizarre! :confused: So thought a run may not be the best thing for it, but will see how it goes over the next few days. Do want to get a bit of body magic in today so am going to take my gym kit with me when I go out for lunch and might just bob into the gym for a brief bike ride on the way home, depending on what time it is. Have got a bit of cleaning to do before I head out for the afternoon so will put a bit of welly into that too!

Plan for today...

Breakfast: Smoked Salmon & Poached Eggs on Toast (HEB) with 10g of reduced fat butter (2.5 Syns), fruit, last of the Lindor Balls (4 syns)
Lunch: Out, so will have a tomato-based pasta or a meat & salad type dish
Dinner: Salmon Fillet (fishy day today!) with new potatoes and veg

I will stay on plan for the bank holiday weekend, I will! :D

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Of course you'll stay on plan!
ive just had leek and potato soup and now eating an apple.
had 2 pints of water too...
3 birthdays next week so I'm going to try and be good.
only 11lbs to go!
monday is week 6 weigh in
Good starts to the day all round! :) Am also trying to get plenty of water in me today, feeling a bit dehydrated. Good luck for Monday!

Out in the garden sunbathing in my bikini now and just thinking how I wouldn't have dared do this last year in case anyone saw me, but now I'm out without any worries and even had to pin my bikini bottoms tighter as they're too big! :D My size 14 jeans kept on falling down while I was out for lunch and shopping, so I am officially between sizes at the moment, bit of a pain!! Need to get the next half stone off pronto so I can get into the 12s properly :)

Ended up having a bit of a meaty lunch so am making today a red day to give me the extra HEBs...

Breakfast: Smoked Salmon & Poached Eggs on Toast (HEB) with 10g of reduced fat butter (2.5 Syns), last of the Lindor Balls (4 syns)
Lunch: Chicken Fajita Salad at Las Iguanas (HEB for the baked tortilla basket and 2 Syns for any oil there might have been in the beetroot dressing or used during cooking (didn't look like there was any, but to be safe), Diet Coke
Snacks: Melon (S), Pineapple (S), Peach (S)
Dinner: Salmon Fillet with butternut squash chips (S) and salad (S)
Snacks: Frozen WW Desserts Yogurt (TBC how this turns out!)
Exercise: Pilates Class recorded from FitnessTV (TBC how this turns out too!)

Think am going to watch one of the many films on my Sky+ box tonight so will need some nibbles, any recommendations for good red day snacks?? Otherwise might just have a huge pile of babybel lights to use up my HEAs! :D

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I've not done SW for a while. you get a choice of something from A and something from B yes? I forget... I always remember 10 syns in a pint. And worse chocolate fix is a Yorkie!
done my online shop, no treats in it. I really ought to treat myself tonight to something though.
Yep that's the one, and red days are the meaty ones... which I rarely do so am not very good at! Don't really fancy nibbling at slices of ham....

Are you following any plan in particular or is it general healthy eating? Whatever it is it sounds like it's working for you! :) You definitely should have a treat for the weekend, it's the law :D
Well for dinner I've had a chargrilled chicken breast (215kl), jacket potato (175ish) and veg medley (75)
treated myself to a luxury Marc de champagne yoghurt (192) and if I'm peckish later I can have a WW big jelly I've made.
OH has had a Dr Oetker pizza (which I had to put in the oven!) and that had 835kl in it.
might have a gin and tonic though. Definitely will brighten my evening!
meant to be going to a carvery tomorrow so what tips please.
Ooh well done you for eating so healthily while faced with pizza! I love those Dr Oetker ones but they are one of the key culprits that got me fat, along with Irish Dairy Milk and Irish "Sambos" :)

Carveries are great when you're being healthy...

Avoid: Yorkshire Puds, Cauliflower Cheese, Mashed Potato (always full of butter and/or cream at carveries)
Limit: Gravy, Roast Potatoes
Eat Freely: Boiled Potatoes, any fresh veg without sauce (ask for without butter if looks like swimming in it), all meats (excluding fat/skin)

Hope that helps!
Tonight's Tea, turned into a Success Express meal without me knowing it! Very tasty, just 0.5 Syns for M&S Low Fat Soy, Chilli & Coriander Dressing with Lemongrass & Thai Basil

Sticking tonight's film on (One Day) so before I disappear here's today's Summary:

Breakfast: Smoked Salmon & Poached Eggs on Toast (HEB) with 10g of reduced fat butter (2.5 Syns), last of the Lindor Balls (4 syns)
Lunch: Chicken Fajita Salad at Las Iguanas (HEB for the baked tortilla basket and 2 Syns for any oil there might have been in the beetroot dressing or used during cooking (didn't look like there was any, but to be safe), Diet Coke
Snacks: Melon (S), Pineapple (S), Peach (S)
Dinner: Salmon Fillet with butternut squash chips (S) and salad (S), with 1 tbsp M&S dressing (0.5 Syns)
Snacks: Frozen WW Desserts Yogurt (may as well just have had the yog, didn't really hit the sweet spot!), 3 x Babybel Lights (HEA), 24 Choc Fix Balls (6 Syns)

Summary: 1 x HEA, 2 x HEB, 15 Syns, min. 5 Speed Foods

At a Christening tomorrow that starts at 10am so will leaving house at about 9am... going to get a decent breakfast in me beforehand and am also packing myself a salmon salad in a coolbox so I can have this between the church and the party to prevent me from tucking into bad stuff at the buffet (which there will no doubt be). Driving so no alcohol will be consumed, helps save a few syns at least!! Wish me luck! :) x
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Thanks for the tips Miss Nix. To be honest, that's the plan I was going to follow anyway with diet pepsi or coke (instead of water for a change)
As long as I've lost 2lbs at 7am monday morning i'll be happy!
I'm sure your hard work will pay off :)

Am very proud of myself today for resisting all the goodies at the Christening Party... I was surrounded by at least 7 types of cakes, champagne, burgers, and all those other nice things, and I resisted almost everything unhealthy! :D Made it a Red day to allow for eating cold meats etc at the buffet so I could still have something!

Breakfast: Boiled egg (should have been 2 but I dropped one on kitchen floor, oops!), WW Yogurt, Banana
Snack: Apple in between church and party to ensure didn't go up to the buffet hungry (S)
Lunch at Party: Salad (S), Tomato & Onion Salsa, Ham (cut off all fat), Smoked Salmon, Half Boiled Egg, 2 Mini Pork Meatballs, small spoon of Coleslaw, Bread Roll (HEB) (Allowing 5 Syns for any hidden oils/mayos, coleslaw, and the glass of squash I had which might not have been sugar free)
Lunch Part 2 when got home: Salmon Fillet, Lettuce (S), Tomato (S), Cucumber (S) with 1tsbp thai dressing (0.5 Syns)
Dinner: Pulled Pork in a roll (HEB) with Butternut Squash Chips (S), Homemade Coleslaw (S) & Salad (S) - hope it's as nice as it looks in the recipe, is already in the oven!
Exercise: 30 mins at Gym (going to drag my bum there once the sun goes down)
Snacks: 3 x Babybel Lights (HEA), Daim Bar (7.5 Syns), 2 Mini Meringues (2 Syns)

Summary: 1 x HEA, 2 x HEB, 15 Syns, 7 Speed Foods

And in theory it's all downhill to Weds weigh-in from here on in as I've got no other social events planned... :) I'm off for a sunbathe to celebrate :cool:

Hope you're all having lovely bank holiday weekends!! x
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Hey Miss Mix, I always love reading your menu for the day! I dont think i need to buy a SW syn guide as you normally put everything down in your post!
Well I didn't go to the carvery. I know it sounds stupid but as I'm losing weight, I want to leave it as long as possible before possibly trying the jeans and a nice top on.
Does that make sense?
During the week at work, I'm still wearing the same clothes that I was wearing about 5 weeks ago. Yes they don't look great but I'm intending to when I hit my goal, throw them all away! I think the 'transformation' will look more drastic and eye catching then!
So far I've had 30g special K and semi skimmed milk
1 pink lady (Rizzo, not Sandy)
1 Baxters Leek and Potato Soup
2 SnackaJack bags
1 Orange Lolly
1 WW Brownie.
2 litres of water
2 cups of tea.
I think I'm on about 850 calories for the day so far.
Not sure what is for tea, but I'm up for the QVC TSV at midnight so it'll be a long one!!
Glad you like reading them! I add all the syn values so I can easily tot them up at the end of the day - as with most people who work in finance, my maths is shocking, so I need it all written in front of me ;)

Your food all sounds nice too, what's a QVC TSV??

Here's a pic of the pulled pork, was yummy apart from the syn-free coleslaw which just wasn't the same - would use a few syns to make it with extra light mayo next time:

Your food looks & sounds delicious hun & well done for making good decisions at the christening! Forward planning is definately the key x
Sorry QVC (shopping channel) TSV (Today's Special Value)
Sorry QVC (shopping channel) TSV (Today's Special Value)

Are you waiting for something in particular to come up for sale?

Really really craving sweet stuff tonight but have eaten all my 15 syns..... argh!! :(
I'm a yankee candle addict. Me and about 20 others on Twitter are so we are very excited to see what it might be. I might stay on the computer and watch it (with account logged in ready to order!)
Just had a mullerlight yoghurt as a dessert with dinner.
Think I've had about 1400 calories tonight.
Weigh day tomorrow! ARGHGHGHGH!
Haha, we have a few of those around the house but not enough to make me stay up late to bid on them! ;) Good luck anyway, hope something comes up that you want!!

Bedtime for me, so good luck for weigh-in tomorrow morning too! Sounds like you deserve a good result so hope it shows on the scales :)
Yeah hoping so too. Think this is my favourite subscribed thread on Minimins!
Will let you know and if I've lost, my favourite thing is alterating my ticker! Love seeing it move along!
So tell us, how did you get on?? :)

Good start to today, I woke up early but naturally, so felt well rested, and decided to go to the gym and make the most of being up early (and to try and get back into some semblance of a routine again after my week off)... but in my getting ready for the gym I started sorting out one of my drawers (the dreaded "under the bed" one), and so far I've put at least 20 things in a pile because they're to big for me or don't suit my new slimmer shape! :D Going to get my bum to the gym now, but this afternoon I'm going to tackle the wardrobe - it's spring clean bank holiday monday! :D Now just need another free listing weekend on ebay so I can get rid of the lot!

Edit: It's free listing weekend on ebay now! Guess what I'm going to be doing all afternoon ;)

Going to have my third red day in a row now, this is unheard of, hope it helps my losses this week! Here's the plan...

Breakfast: Banana
Exercise: Gym
Snack: WW Yogurt, Peach (S)
Lunch: Pulled Pork Roll (HEB) & Butternut Squash Cubes (S)
Snacks: Apple (S), Scan Bran Cake (HEB & 2 Syns) with Quark and Raspberries (S)
Dinner: Smoked Salmon Salad (S)
Snacks: Cheese (HEA x 2) & Grapes
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