Nicola's Cuba Countdown

How do you make butternut squash rice?? The mint ones of those muller deluxe yogurts have been tempting me, but not worth the syns on SW!! And Nicole Scherzinger in the adverts really annoys me for some reason, which puts me off eating them haha!

I haven't watched The Apprentice in a few years, although I did watch the Irish one while I was over there because my office was the venue for one of the tasks (and my boss was the one setting the task), very exciting! :D
Weigh-in day today, eek! Scales at home say 11st 7.5lbs, so reckon I'm on for a maintain or very small loss, which I'll be quite disappointed with really as I think I've had a pretty good week :rolleyes: Ah well, let's just see.... wish me luck!

The plan for today...
Exercise: 40 mins at gym
Breakfast: Banana, WW Yogurt
Snacks: Apple (S), Satsumas (S), Cherries (S)
Lunch: Soup
Snacks: Raspberries (S)
Weigh-in: ???
Dinner: Wrap Pizza & SW Chips
and you do all this exercise as well!!
Miss Nix - had my fave from Wasabi today - Chicken Katsu Salad. 684 calories!! :eek:
Weigh-in day today, eek! Scales at home say 11st 7.5lbs, so reckon I'm on for a maintain or very small loss, which I'll be quite disappointed with really as I think I've had a pretty good week :rolleyes: Ah well, let's just see.... wish me luck!

The plan for today...
Exercise: 40 mins at gym
Breakfast: Banana, WW Yogurt
Snacks: Apple (S), Satsumas (S), Cherries (S)
Lunch: Soup
Snacks: Raspberries (S)
Weigh-in: ???
Dinner: Wrap Pizza & SW Chips

From what ive read you will do really good :D x
Lauren - your 3 month challenge, you are half way there!!!
Lauren - your 3 month challenge, you are half way there!!!

Erghh tell me about it! I don't think I'll lose 11 1/2 by July 1st not unless I have a good few weeks of Red days to pull off some 4lb ones...I'll be happy anyway if something comes off! ^.^
and you've completed the coach to 5k challenge! how was that? I've got the app... just never got round to doing it (like many things in my life...)
and you are 'actually' running a race in June! how brave!?!
C25k ended easy! Starting it was the hardest bit, I'm on my third week after finishing now, and miss the motivation the app gave, it was a challenge I wanted to beat, now I guess I just need to motivate and challenge myself!

Yup, race for life can't wait! I'm not very fast at the moment though! I do have to remind myself that 5 months ago I wasn't even moving apart from walking at work :p getting impatient though, still got 36lb to target I just wanna be there already! =) =)
Evening all!

Not a happy bunny, just 0.5lbs off at weigh-in, taking me to 11st 7.5lbs - so I hit neither the 11st 7lb mark nor my 1.5stone award (11st 6lbs) :( I don't understand why I haven't done better this week, apart from the eating out I've planned everything to precision, had plenty of superfree, done plenty of exercise... I know it's still in the right direction but I am a bit gutted as I really wanted to keep up those 1.5lb losses to keep me on track for my interim target for Ibiza :( I am really hoping that all the good work will pay off next week, a kind of delayed reaction, but it's star week so it's usually a struggle to lose at all on those weeks anyway! Could really just go and have a proper binge right now but instead I've filled myself up with a huge version of my planned tea, and if the cravings strike I'm just going to take myself to bed!!

Today's summary (which I'm so proud of, despite the tiny loss)...

Exercise: 4.7k run in 30 mins! :D Plus 10 mins on the bike, so 40 mins in total
Breakfast: WW Yogurt, Banana, Apple (S), Tea (0.5)
Lunch: Sausage broth from work canteen (2 Syns to be safe, had 2 tiny chunks of sausage), Sugarfree Jelly (0.5), Raspberries (S) Tea (0.5)
Weigh-in: 0.5lbs off, taking me to 11st 7.5lbs :(
Dinner: Wrap Pizza (HEB) with Passata (S), Mushrooms (S), Onions (S), Basil, 45g Mozzarella (HEA) & SW Chips, with 1tbsp extra light mayo (0.5) & 1 tbsp hot chilli sauce (0.5)
Snack: Daim Bar (7.5 Syns)

Summary: 1 x HEA, 1 x HEB, 10 Syns, 5 Speed Foods, 40 mins Exercise, Weigh-In 0.5lbs off
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Ok so maybe there's a little silver lining there somewhere, I didn't stay for group but the girls are telling me on facebook that they think I got slimmer of the month?? :) Apparently a Nicola in the group got it, but I don't know how many Nicola's there are!! Will have to wait and see next week unless my consultant can confirm in the meantime (she wasn't there tonight which was why I didn't stay, I'm never much of a fan of interim consultants as they don't know you as well)

Edit: Ooh something else to make me feel positive, just noticed my BMI is now into the 26s!! :D I am officially nearer healthy weight than I am obese! :D
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Miss Nix - had my fave from Wasabi today - Chicken Katsu Salad. 684 calories!! :eek:

Mmm I would have loved to have that for lunch!!

From what ive read you will do really good :D x

Aww thanks, well even though this week didn't go quite to plan I'm hoping next week will if I stick at it!! x

Yup, race for life can't wait! I'm not very fast at the moment though! I do have to remind myself that 5 months ago I wasn't even moving apart from walking at work :p getting impatient though, still got 36lb to target I just wanna be there already! =) =)

What weekend is your race for life hun? I think I might get myself signed up for the 10k once seeing as 5k seems to be getting easier so I can't really ask for sponsorship for that ;) x
30th June at Campbell park! ^.^ can't wait. Lickily I don't find 5k easy yet, tho I'm thinking of increasing my runs to 4miles next week for a challenge :)
30th June at Campbell park! ^.^ can't wait. Lickily I don't find 5k easy yet, tho I'm thinking of increasing my runs to 4miles next week for a challenge :)

You won't have to run up the hill to the beacon will you?! :eek: I did a 10k at a forest up here a few years ago, not having a clue what the course was like, and it was huge ups and downs!! Had to be literally pushed over the finish line, was so shattered I could barely walk never mind run!! Note to self: always check course terrain before signing up ;) x
You won't have to run up the hill to the beacon will you?! :eek: I did a 10k at a forest up here a few years ago, not having a clue what the course was like, and it was huge ups and downs!! Had to be literally pushed over the finish line, was so shattered I could barely walk never mind run!! Note to self: always check course terrain before signing up ;) x

Oh I have no idea what the route is! All I know is that it's at Campbell park....right...time I Google! =P
Just catching up my love. 0.5 off is still in the right direction so go you :) you are doing so very well & you should be proud xx
Just catching up my love. 0.5 off is still in the right direction so go you :) you are doing so very well & you should be proud xx

Thanks Emma - that's how I'm trying to look at it, anything off is better than something on! :) Think am going to try the 777 plan this week to see if I can get a decent loss to make up for it x
Aww sorry you are disappointed about your weigh in, but at least it IS off! Sometimes these silly bodies just don't do what we think/expect but it WILL show at some point so don't be too down....all that exercise will still be doing so much for you too. I bet next week is a 3lb off or something!

I know, have to keep telling myself... "my body does not know that Weds night is weigh-in night" :) Am really hoping for a good chunky loss next week if I keep it up - no social occasions to set me off track this week so no excuses!! x