Nicola's Cuba Countdown

Have a fantastic holiday!! Don't even think about weight loss, enjoy this holiday and when time comes, you'll be in the zone 100% ready for Pre-as weight loss that I'm sure we'll all be aiming for! :D enjoooooooy!
All packed and good to go, so that can only mean one thing, it's HOLIDAY TIME!! :D :D :D Just one more sleep and then airport in the morning, bring it on!!

My mum completely disapproves of me doing the San Francisco bit by myself :rolleyes: I wish I hadn't mentioned it to her now, I swear she still thinks I'm a teenager rather than a woman in my 30s who's already travelled a chunk of the world!! So now I'm going to have to send her pictures every day to prove I'm alive and well haha! :D

Hope you all have fab slimming weeks, and I'll see you back here soon!

All packed and good to go, so that can only mean one thing, it's HOLIDAY TIME!! :D :D :D Just one more sleep and then airport in the morning, bring it on!!

My mum completely disapproves of me doing the San Francisco bit by myself :rolleyes: I wish I hadn't mentioned it to her now, I swear she still thinks I'm a teenager rather than a woman in my 30s who's already travelled a chunk of the world!! So now I'm going to have to send her pictures every day to prove I'm alive and well haha! :D

Hope you all have fab slimming weeks, and I'll see you back here soon!


Have a fab time honey! Can't wait to see pics and hear all about it xx

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Re: Nicola will be taking 3 stone less luggage to Las Vegas!

All packed and good to go, so that can only mean one thing, it's HOLIDAY TIME!! :D :D :D Just one more sleep and then airport in the morning, bring it on!!

My mum completely disapproves of me doing the San Francisco bit by myself :rolleyes: I wish I hadn't mentioned it to her now, I swear she still thinks I'm a teenager rather than a woman in my 30s who's already travelled a chunk of the world!! So now I'm going to have to send her pictures every day to prove I'm alive and well haha! :D

Hope you all have fab slimming weeks, and I'll see you back here soon!


Have a wonderful time!! Xx

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Have a fab time! Xx
Hello ladies, I'm back!! :D

Had a fab holiday, but was soooo tired by the time I got home after all the travel, so have only just got up today! Las Vegas was very full on - we did most stuff we wanted to - the Grand Canyon, the clubs, the casinos, the pool parties, the shows, and of course, the buffets, which were AMAZING!! :D I have never eaten so much food haha! And portion sizes really were astronomical too - I've never left so much on my plate despite being so full! San Francisco was much more chilled but I still managed to fit plenty in - went to Alcatraz, spent time around Fisherman's Wharf, went to Union Square and of course got some cheesecake in The Cheescake Factory, did the Golden Gate Bridge, the beach (breakfast on the beach was one of my highlights!), the crookedest street in the world, and the Ghirardelli Chocolate Festival! :D It was meant to be more chilled but once I got there I didn't want to waste any of my time! :D

So all in all, a fab holiday, and a LOT of food consumed, so I have to say, I was reaaaaaally dreading the scales this morning, but was pleasantly surprised at 11st 1.5lbs!! Considering I'd set myself an upper limit of 11st 7lbs, that's really not too bad!! :D Going to eat up all the leftover rubbish (chocs brought home etc) today, and then am going to morning weigh-in tomorrow - so fully expect that could be a little bit higher by then! ;) But once weigh-in is over tomorrow, that's me back on plan, and aiming for a good loss this week to get that holiday weight back off. I left my new Slimming World magazine on my bed before I left so I'd get a reminder to get back on plan as soon as I got home haha! ;) Will pop some pictures up later today once I've had a chance to sort through them.

So how are all you ladies? Have I missed much??

Nicola xx

PS. I need to change the title of my thread now I've been and done Las Vegas!! Can't think what to though!!
Welcome back!!!

That sounds like an amazing holiday - I can't believe you managed to fit in so much in both Las Vegas and San Fran! No wonder you're knackered - sounds like my dream holiday though and I'm the same as you, if I'm out there I'm afraid of wasting time. I am always victim to a serious case of FOMO which is generally my downfall in life!

Absolutely AMAZING results on the scales, can't believe you did all the buffets, chocolate, cheesecake etc and only managed to put on a little bit of weight. All the running around paid off! You'll have that off in no time at all and you can have no regrets about missing any of the experience out :) xx
Welcome back chica! Wowzers - it sounds like you had an incredible time! Can't wait to see some photos. Fab result on the scales too - you'll have that off in no time! xx
Welcome back!!!

That sounds like an amazing holiday - I can't believe you managed to fit in so much in both Las Vegas and San Fran! No wonder you're knackered - sounds like my dream holiday though and I'm the same as you, if I'm out there I'm afraid of wasting time. I am always victim to a serious case of FOMO which is generally my downfall in life!

Absolutely AMAZING results on the scales, can't believe you did all the buffets, chocolate, cheesecake etc and only managed to put on a little bit of weight. All the running around paid off! You'll have that off in no time at all and you can have no regrets about missing any of the experience out :) xx

Haha def FOMO here too!! There was one afternoon where I was so shattered that I literally fell asleep face first on the bed (and woke up 4 hours later!) but apart from that I was constantly on the go! I've got this week off work now too, and I plan on doing as little as possible to compensate :D x

Welcome back chica! Wowzers - it sounds like you had an incredible time! Can't wait to see some photos. Fab result on the scales too - you'll have that off in no time! xx

I really hope so! Would love to be back into the 10s by next week! :) x
Wow sounds amazing! My hubby has always wanted to go to Las Vegas I wonder if I should look into it! You've sold it to me, sounded like a trip of a lifetime!

Enjoy your week off work, kick back and relax!!
Wow sounds amazing! My hubby has always wanted to go to Las Vegas I wonder if I should look into it! You've sold it to me, sounded like a trip of a lifetime!

Enjoy your week off work, kick back and relax!!

I actually enjoyed San Francisco more than Vegas, but it's worth a visit once in your lifetime - it's a funny old place where the amount of cash in your wallet really determines how people treat you!! But the hotels are pretty spectacular, and the shows are great, and if you want a boogie the clubs are quite cool :) x
Hello ladies!

Well I've done official weigh-in, and, as suspected, it was a bit worse than yesterday's at-home weigh-in, but still below my maximum limit that I'd set myself... so I am now 11st 3.5lbs. So If I want to get to target (9st 7lbs) by New Year, I've got 14 weeks and will need to lose 1.75lbs a week. Hopefully I can shift a good portion of that this week by treating it as a "fabulous first week", and that should then reduce the average to around 1.5lbs a week, which should be realistic! :) And to be honest, if I just get into the 9s by then I'll be equally happy, so am not going to put too much pressure on myself - the key for me is to spend autumn blitzing through that 10 stone range :) There was a guy at group this morning who's just got his 6 stone award after starting around the same time as me, so if he can do that, I can totally lose what I need to!

I sat in on the new members talk again this morning just to give myself a bit of a kickstart, and it's definitely left me feeling nicely motivated - can recommend it for anyone having a bit of a struggle. I'm going to sit and re-read my book tonight, and then am going to have a 100% week this week with no cheats at all (e.g. pitta/wraps for HEB), and focusing on the 1/3 superfree. Hopefully that'll result in a nice loss next week - apart from being off work I've got nothing in particular to distract me this week, so no excuses!! The last of the bad food is going to be demolished today, and then from this evening onwards (i.e. from the time after which I would have normally been to group) I'm on plan...

But before that, I'm going out for tea and cake with one of my friends who's off on mat leave! :D Can't wait to have a cuddle with her little one!

Need to resist the temptation of an afternoon/evening nap today - made that mistake yesterday and then couldn't get to sleep until 4am!! I will conquer this jetlag!!

Hope you're all well xx
Well done for getting back on it missy :) that loss before Christmas sounds totally do-able.

Holibobs sounded fab. Would you mind me asking if it was expensive? xx
I really hope I can do it!

It was a fairly pricey holiday to be honest (and not one I could repeat every year!), but there are plenty of things you could do a bit cheaper - e.g. I stayed in a 5 star hotel in Vegas but the 4 star options would have been more than adequate and still really luxurious, we did the helicopter tour to the grand canyon but you could drive (a few hundred dollars difference per person between the 2 options!), and we did full show packages (i.e. dinner, show & club) whereas you could just get show tickets instead. The way I did it, it cost me about 50% more than the 10 day trip I did to Thailand last year, and that was 5 star all the way and I spent very little once I got there, so Thailand felt like much better value. San Francisco was much more reasonable apart from the hotel, but I think that was overinflated because the America's Cup was on at the time I was there.
Morning all!

So this is it, the start of the run to target, am feeling all motivated so just hope I can make this last long enough to get me to where I want to be! :D I'm going back to the principles I stuck to when I first started really getting the weight off earlier this year...

1. Plan weekly menus, including EE, Red, Green & SE days to keep it interesting
2. Use my syns daily to prevent feelings of deprivation, and use flexible syns for the special occasions
3. Stick to the 1/3 superfree rule as much as possible
4. Get into the routine of daily exercise again (even if just 30 mins on the bike each morning)
5. Document everything, whether in writing or photos - measurements, food, achievements, etc

Had a horrible night with the jetlag last night - despite having no nap yesterday during the day (and I really wanted one, I was shattered!), once it came to bedtime I was wide awake again... it got to 3am and was still awake, and then the hunger kicked in!! So I ended up having supper at 3am, and just ate so much that I pretty much put myself into a food coma so I could sleep :rolleyes: This has then resulted in me not waking up until now today - I really need to try to get back into a normal sleeping rythym - a friend has suggested melatonin, has anyone else tried this? The alternative is apparently a strong dose of night nurse before bedtime haha!

So here's today's plan, even though it's really only half a day left!

Brunch: M&S Fuller Longer Hoisin Duck & Noodles (3.5), Apple
Snacks: Banana, Peach, Ham
Dinner: Italian Pesto & Goats Cheese Tortelloni, 150g (7) with Tomatoes, Basil & Cheese (HEA)
Dessert: M&S Count on Us Fat Free Yogurt, Raspberry Panna Cotta
Snacks: Dried Apricots (HEB), Hoops & Crosses (4)

Summary (EE): 1 x HEA, 1 x HEB, 14.5 Syns
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Loving the list and the motivation!! Roll on target! Your dinner sounds beaut!

When I have jetlag, no matter what time I end up getting to bed at, I'll set my alarm for a reasonably early time (8-9am, no later) and get up. No matter how tired I am. Plan a busyish day. Make a list of things to do that keep you busy throughout the day, even if they are relaxing things like watching a film or catching up with friends. By the evening time I am exhausted but try to stay awake until at least 10pm. By the next morning I am back to normal again :)

This definitely helps me even though the getting up at 8am is tough! x
Thanks chick! I think I'm going to have to try that for tomorrow - I might bob down south to see the folks, as that would mean me having to get up at a reasonable time to set off, and the earliest I'd be back here would be 10/11pm tomorrow night, so I wouldn't have any choice but to wait until then to get to bed! :D Really need to be back in routine before going back to work next week :) x