Right a good day yesterday, 3 packs plus a medium size plate of slow roasted pulled pork with cabbage and brocoli, a teaspoon of apple sauce and three table spoons of gravy YUMMY!!
This evening I know I will be off plan as I am going out with my sister and we might (definitely) have some cocktails, therefore been SUPER good so far and had two S&S products to keep calories down, had a wee peak at scales and got a other two lbs off since Monday so don't wanna go tooo mental and have a pants weigh in!
Anyway I shall post tomorrow with the damage report (Margarita's are my downfall, especially since Mexico)
Muchos Love
(OOOOOOOOH TEQUILA IT MAKES ME HAPPY) - This is in my head which does not bode well for the diet tonight - 2.30am burger anyone!?!?! hahaha!