Total Solution Niennors TS diary

Good morning Niennor, hang on in there :hug99: xx
Well guys, I am still on wagon, even if I wanted to cheat I cant, a great big hunk of tooth came out when eating my bar and now in tooth ache hell!!! got an emergency appointment at the dentist tomorrow to get it patched up but think I'll need a full crown which will cost a fortune!!
Anyway luke warm shakes until then!
Hope all are having a good day
Ouch! Hope you're pain free now and it wasn't too expensive :hug99: xx
sorry to hear about your tooth:( but so glad you are still on the wagon!!
Oh no why do teeth always break etc when you're trying to be healthy?! Hope you've managed to get it sorted!
Hey guys managed to get tooth temporarily latched up but felt down so blew diet last night and had half a Cadbury wispa and I've had two oatcakes heaped in peanut butter today :(
I'm blaming post holiday, first week back at work blues!!!!
Haven't been to the gyn either since yoga on Tuesday so tomorrow back on with my stubborn head! I can't stay fat forever it makes me so miserable! Keep looking in the mirror thinking "oh niennor"
Totm is due so I am sure this is why I feel just so miserable!
Can't wait for bed and then I'll kick some butt tomorrow at the gym and really get back ON IT!!

Moaning post, sorry guys!! Need to get back to the pre holiday positive me!!!! I'm not giving up though I know exante works it's me right now who isn't working!!!

Mother in laws lost 19lbs in four week on LL, think that's annoying me as as she keeps saying "well without he counselling you'll just out it all on again" I cannot let that happen!!!


Right I'll be back tomorrow all enthusiastic and I will have to be 100% to get my head in the right place!

Hope all are having good days!!!
Okay so had some Chinese lat night too, it was OH so only had a small amount...
One snake spring roll
Two spoons of fried rice
One spoon of beef and black bean
Small peace of sweet and sour chicken

I felt guilty so was HARDCORE at the gym and burnt 700cals this morn, could face TS so had two shakes and just had home made Moroccan chicken tajine with spinach falafel, low ish carb an cals as I had a very small portion, fitness pal says 940 cals of food for the day (not telling it about exercise as that's just a bonus!)

Tomorrow i am roasting a leg of lamb for the oh and in laws so will be WS again, I'm sure on Monday's weigh in there will be very small or no loss but we shall see, going to gym again tomorrow so will offset some of the damage I'm doing by eating, from Monday I will be TS and I WILL remain TS till next Sunday

That's my pledge from Monday TS 6 days a week and WS one day until goal!!!

I think my problem this time is that I haven't got a deadline so I don't feel too much pressure to get the weight off, I want it off don't get me wrong, I just don't have a strict timescale so its all laid back re how much I loose. Even though I look in the mirror and think Ergh. I dunno. Maybe I Do need counselling, either that or some fairy god mother needs to give me the body of Kelly Brook!!! I wish!!!

Hope all are well, sorry I am naff at keeping up with diaries! Your all tooooo popular so there is always SO much to catch up on ;)
Im finding that posting on here is like having our own little support network. Everyone is so nice and we are all in the same boat. I have had a couple of blips but have still lost 21 lbs in 4 weeks. I would of lost 8 in that time on ww. After each blip though I have just got on with it the next day and tried to be good. Life does get in the way sometimes but it would be boring otherwise. x
Its official I am doing WS and taking the longer road to goal, I'm going to do probably 4 days WS and 3 days TS a week, trying to be healthy and train myself into eating normally and not binge eating. Today I have had y three packs plus half a Cajun spiced chicken breast with a table spoon of home made coleslaw and a small handful of salad, home made dressing from 0% fat yoghurt and fresh chopped mint.
I'm under 1000cals, thought about the gym but my totm came today so decided against it as had killer cramps.
I know getting down to 9st will take MASSIVELY longer but I think this way it will be more maintainable as I'll be eating. I am also going to go to the gym three times a week and 1 yoga session a week. Going to have all three packs tho, I used to have two packs and a meal but I don't want to go into starvation mode.
Also completely forgot to mention... Weigh in is 11st 6lbs so that's a loss of 7lbs even with Chinese and wine!!
Very happy with that!
I've got a planned night off on Friday and I think I may cheat on Saturday (might not tho ;) )
Anyways hopefully get down to 11.03 ish next week
Sloooow and steady wins the race ;)
Muchos love
Forgot to post yesterday but I had a TS Day with 1 slice of leardammer cheese.

Today had a coffee latte shake for breakfast, lunch was a home made Thai chicken an egg noodle salad, it was approx 200 cals and 17g carbs (can post recipe if wanted) felt like I ate loads but I weighed it all out so I could be certain of the nutritional values, dinner will be a shake made into ice cream as I don't fancy anything remotely hot in this weather!!

Hope all having good days :)
Right a good day yesterday, 3 packs plus a medium size plate of slow roasted pulled pork with cabbage and brocoli, a teaspoon of apple sauce and three table spoons of gravy YUMMY!!

This evening I know I will be off plan as I am going out with my sister and we might (definitely) have some cocktails, therefore been SUPER good so far and had two S&S products to keep calories down, had a wee peak at scales and got a other two lbs off since Monday so don't wanna go tooo mental and have a pants weigh in!

Anyway I shall post tomorrow with the damage report (Margarita's are my downfall, especially since Mexico)

Muchos Love

(OOOOOOOOH TEQUILA IT MAKES ME HAPPY) - This is in my head which does not bode well for the diet tonight - 2.30am burger anyone!?!?! hahaha!

Right a good day yesterday, 3 packs plus a medium size plate of slow roasted pulled pork with cabbage and brocoli, a teaspoon of apple sauce and three table spoons of gravy YUMMY!!

This evening I know I will be off plan as I am going out with my sister and we might (definitely) have some cocktails, therefore been SUPER good so far and had two S&S products to keep calories down, had a wee peak at scales and got a other two lbs off since Monday so don't wanna go tooo mental and have a pants weigh in!

Anyway I shall post tomorrow with the damage report (Margarita's are my downfall, especially since Mexico)

Muchos Love

(OOOOOOOOH TEQUILA IT MAKES ME HAPPY) - This is in my head which does not bode well for the diet tonight - 2.30am burger anyone!?!?! hahaha!


iHave a fun night hun! I'm more of a large garlic bread pizza with extra cheese donner meat and coleslaw. Any ideas why i'm over weight?!? lol
enjoy you:pr weekend, try to think damage limitation, but i suppose after a few margarita's it is hard to think!! xxxxx:p
Oh guys... What can I say, went MENTAL.......

Drinks =
1 x chilli margarita
1 x lychee martini
1 x pint of cider
2 x pimms

Food =
Calamari with garlic mayo
Fillet of beef burger with chips and union rings
Rum n raisin ice cream cake

WHAT A BIG FAT FATTY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So i went super off plan, feel totally bloated!!! Anyway, think I'll be TS today and then tomorrow I'll see how I go, might have some Sunday dinner.

Had a good night tho ;)
Looks like you had fun though!
Okay no TS, I kept low cal and carb till I got to my mum and dads were I found a HUGE barbecue awaiting to be eating....
Needless to say I went mental again!

however today my diet head is on, I am going tk the gym to do an extra long work out, I'm then going to be TS, have cancelled Sunday dinner so there is no temptation, I now am doing a solo run of TS till Friday! Wish me luck eeeeeek!

Need k get this weight shifted!
Good luck hun :D
Sounds like you had a great night (especially jealous of the calamari!!!) at least you got all the goody events over & done with ready to start afresh :0)
wishing you luck for the TS week ahead, you can't alter the past so look to the future xxx