No more excuses

Just 2 yrs together but it's a big thing for me. Had a long term on/off relationship with ex-husband do nice to have some stability :) There seems to be something every week at the mo. Birthday party this weekend, family meal the weekend after :-S Oh well, good job I'm in no rush to lose it all!
Here's today's diary (hopefully) EE

Bacon, beans, tomatoes
Home made savoury rice made with stock cube, herbs, rice, ham, and tomatoes, peppers and onions softened in fry light :)
Clementines, banana and apple as snacks
Dc chicken with salad and SW wedges for tea.
Slice of wholemeal bread (hexb)
Hexa was milk in coffee so probably haven't had the full amount, oh well.

0 syns today so still 110.5/105, at least no higher ;-)
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snowwhite85 said:
Just 2 yrs together but it's a big thing for me. Had a long term on/off relationship with ex-husband do nice to have some stability :) There seems to be something every week at the mo. Birthday party this weekend, family meal the weekend after :-S Oh well, good job I'm in no rush to lose it all!
Here's today's diary (hopefully) EE

Bacon, beans, tomatoes
Home made savoury rice made with stock cube, herbs, rice, ham, and tomatoes, peppers and onions softened in fry light :)
Clementines, banana and apple as snacks
Dc chicken with salad and sweetcorn for tea.

0 syns today so still 110.5/105, at least no higher ;-)

March is the same for me. Congrats anyway, two years is great :) enjoy your day, back to work today? I am :( boo
Well still at work is more apt :-( Working 7 days a week at the mo, but boss has kindly given me a day off on Saturday :-D can't wait! Had a shake up of my shifts at my different jobs and hopefully he'll stick with these hours now. Love having a day off :-D Hope ur Monday isn't too bad :)
What you planning to do with your day off anything nice? What do you do? i had you down as a teacher but think i'm confusing you with tano maybe? Bummer to working 7 days though - my job is a bit like that, never turns off although i'm lucky that it's flexible around the hours i need which is good. I work in admin, my boss has about six different companies and i sit in the middle juggling all the balls lol x
Unfortunately not. 2 part time jobs at a University, plus full time post grad student and volunteering 1 shift a week. It's quite good in that none of the shifts are longer than 6 hrs, but on the other hand running around from place to place and trying to fit studying in between it all is a nightmare :( Juggling 6 companies' admin sounds like hard work! Especially with the kids too. At least the hours are flexible for you, must make things a lot easier :D Hopefully this is the end of 7 days weeks for me with my move around and re-jigging of things :)
Unfortunately not. 2 part time jobs at a University, plus full time post grad student and volunteering 1 shift a week. It's quite good in that none of the shifts are longer than 6 hrs, but on the other hand running around from place to place and trying to fit studying in between it all is a nightmare :( Juggling 6 companies' admin sounds like hard work! Especially with the kids too. At least the hours are flexible for you, must make things a lot easier :D Hopefully this is the end of 7 days weeks for me with my move around and re-jigging of things :)

Bloody hell you're busy!!! What are you studying? I hope you manage to get some breaks in the coming weeks, there's nothing worse than not stopping and having any me time.

Ah i have teams in each company to help which is good. Just boss is very scatty, it's keeping up with what she's up to that's the hard part :p x
Studying Masters in Criminology at the mo. Made the mistake of doing it full time though: work overload! But almost half way through now. And I think we're going away for a week in June so that will be my next bit of time off apart from a day here and there and bank holidays :) Just like dieting: need to think of why you're doing it all the time, especially when times are hard.
Nice to know you have the teams in each company too. I do admin at one of my jobs and I was wondering how on earth you managed it! Was expecting some kind of superwoman :superwoman: Not that we all aren't anyway ;) But an extra super one! Lol
Wow - bet that's an interesting, and hard, course though!! LOL yes - we do need to keep reminding ourselves of why we're doing it don't we. Nothing good in life is ever easy!

LOL, i am a superwoman of course ;) haha x
snowwhite85 said:
I love the subject area, just a massive jump at postgrad level so extremely difficult :(
We're all superwoman these days don't u know ;)

We have to be lol. How's your day been? X
Yesterday was ok thank you. Today on the other hand has been amazing!! :D figured out a way I can keep my jobs and create more time to work on my phd proposal, eeeeek! Just need to ok it with everyone involved now lol :D
snowwhite85 said:
Yesterday was ok thank you. Today on the other hand has been amazing!! :D figured out a way I can keep my jobs and create more time to work on my phd proposal, eeeeek! Just need to ok it with everyone involved now lol :D

Excellent. Hope it all goes through ok :) x
So here's today's Green diary

Weetabix (hexb) with sugar (1 syn)
Banana, mullerlight and clementine
1 segsation (2 syns)
Chicken and mushroom pasta in 5
Diet coke chicken (hexb) with peas, carrots and sweetcorn
2 Oreos (5 syns)

Total = 8/105 syns
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snowwhite85 said:
So here's today's Green diary

Weetabix (hexb) with sugar (1 syn)
Banana, mullerlight and clementine
1 segsation (2 syns)
Chicken and mushroom pasta in 5
Diet come chicken (hexb) with peas, carrots and sweetcorn
2 Oreos (5 syns)

Total = 8/105 syns

Diet come chicken?!?!?!? Haha what a classic auto correct ;) x
Had quite a good evening actually, although no pasta or spuds or rice with chicken meant I went to bed hungry :( Need to learn that I can't do without them!! :cry:

Okay, so today is a bit of a wobble day: My scales told me I'm below my usual target of 9 10 :D, so I want to go back to eating normally. :17729:
Trying to persuade myself not to but it's so hard. I know it seems silly but I have quite a big frame so for years 9 10 has been the weight I like to be: I can maintain that weight and still have a life, anything below that is really hard for me to get to or maintain. So yeah, I feel like I'm at target now but need to keep reminding myself that I need to be lower this time around Silly Silly me! :doh:
Anyway if it gets too hard I will end up changing target to 9 10 as I know it's achievable and I don't look too bad at it, even if I say so myself ;) Any advice will be well received :confused:

Here's today's EE diary then:
Bacon, egg, beans and tomatoes
Mullerlight, 2 clementines, apple, banana
Homemade savoury rice with peppers, onions, stock and left over diet COKE chicken
1 mini muffin: checked Cals and 4 syns, but worth it :)
Half a Jeff the Chef Parmo (7 syns), jacket spud and carrots

Total = 19 syns/105
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Why do you want to be lower than 9-10 hun? Remind me how low you're planning to go.... Def need something more substantial of an evening - it's a long time till you eat again. I have a salad for lunch every now and again and have realised i need to put some pasta or something in as it just doesn't fill me up.

You're doing really well anyway - keep it up :) xxx
I want to be lower for purely food orientated reasons: Florida in September and want to eat all the fatty goodness on offer ;)
I've put my target on here as 9 7 but I'm thinking 9 stone or 8 13? Starting to think I may be a little unrealistic. I'm 5 5.5 so my Bmi is healthy. Hmmmm, so confused. Thanks for the support. Really needed talking away from cake at work ;)