Hiya, thats wonderful news that you have got into the 13's, thats a big goal reached for you!!! So well done and you are well on your way to the target now, and like you say, 3lb per week is do-able
You have done so well on this diet to get as far as you have, you must feel miles better for it?? I know i feel better already after just 12lb!!!
And im good thanks.... still plodding along now... the days just sort of merge into one another. I think im on day 11 now (the LT brain is still with me although ive not put my socks in the fridge again YET though lol)
Ive not weighed myself again this morning, i will wait until later to do that as its bizzare. Im up at 04.30 with hubbie for work but i know of i weigh myself now then again later at a normal time i will be lighter later on!!!
Anyway, i have a dilemma on my hands now too.... i have to fly back to the uk on the 19th to collect my step daughter and bring her back to Canada, but my LT runs out 4 days before i go. Not sure if we can afford more when im there but i dont know again what do do, slimfast or atkins. Im thinking now that slim fast is better as i can get it in the uk and have a healthy meal in the evening (which will more than likely be out more or less every night) grrrr.... these problems that present themselves!!!
Anyway, i shall stop writing all over your post and update my diary later when i get up (for the second time)
Have a great day and well done for the 1lb weight loss overnight!!!