not any more, sorry

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Oh dear. How typical hey. But then I doubt they'd make a prize of either dust or eggs lol. Hope u slept well. My sleep app sure has interesting results lol.
Afternoon all, head ok today, just very tired but that is not helped by L keep waking me up coughing and then me not being able to drop off again. Hey ho.

Funeral is on Thursday at 11.30 Lisa, am going to be really glad when this week is over. The other brother is home now so he has been told. Still waiting for a decision from MiL as to whether I am doing food afterwards or if we are going to the pub instead. Hope it is the latter.

Back on the shakes today till Wednesday if I can hold out..............try and undo a bit of the damage from weekend lol.

Hope you lot are well and keeping warm xxxx
Morning Bren... I wish I could do the shake thing... you have a willpower of steel!! xx
Morning Bren, hope you're OK love
Afternoon all - sorry to disappoint Di but :break_diet::break_diet::break_diet: ah well, let me get this week and then next week's holiday out of the way and I will be back on it with a vengeance, promise xxxx

Hope you lot are doing better than me xxx
Hi Bren, hope everything goes okay on Thursday, my thoughts are with you.

Poor Loretta, poor you too LOL. i am still struggling with my chest infection and am convinced my neighbours will be giving me an ASBO soon;)

MMM scones yummy, how unfair a prize is that to win when you can't eat food :rolleyes:
Afternoon Bren, the last thing you should be thinking about is your woe at the moment - you have a lot to sort out/think about/do.

Big hugs for Thursday - and hop back on it when you're ready hun xxx
Huge ((hugs)) Bren - agree with susie that you need to look after yourself and missus this week. The world will still be here when you are ready
Yep ... Agree with Susie and Katie ... Get all this awfulness out of the way first!! For heaven's sake ... Give yourself some nice treats... And then go for the burn when things settle a bit... And big hugs xxx
Thank you ladies, we fully intend to use that voucher the week we are off :D although I have to find out where the place is first (but L probably knows as she is a local whilst I am only an incomer lol). We have done some cleaning up tonight ready for Thursday, have done my shopping list for tomorrow night, put Nessun Dorma onto a cd for the funeral home, made myself a couple of new cds for the car while I was at it. I also tidied the parrot up a bit (managed not to get bitten lol) and killed a few high up cobwebs just in case anybody tall arrives for the wake..............thank goodness for extending feather dusters. Have put my box of exante away for a couple of weeks till I go back to work after the week off ;) am going to try not to go too mad but we have promised ourselves some nice meals out. I will try and get in some classes just to try and balance it all out.

Thank you for all your thoughts and wishes, probably see you for half an hour at lunch tomorrow xxxx
Been you're such a sweet n caring lady. Ur a true inspiration. Don't u worry about what's being eaten at the mo. U need to keep ur strength up n have other things to keep ur brain whirling without thinking about n planning meals or dust. Take each day as it comes. Dust can wait.
Morning lovely. I totally understand putting Exante to one side for a bit and think you're absolutely right to do so until after your week off. Go out and enjoy the meals, after all you don't have to have chips with everything lol.
I don't Lisa????????? nobody told me that lol xxxx (spoilsport - they are still my favourite food group lol)

Afternoon all xxxxx
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