Afternoon All
Yes, love the new nickname Claire
No Susie, had not forgotten, you know you are welcome anytime

LOL Lisa, had forgotten that...........oh speaking of silly loo episodes, the loo roll holder (you know those huge circular ones in pubs and clubs) fell on my head at rehearsal last night - it even made a red mark on my forehead!!!! I mentioned it quietly to the bar staff who sniggered...........and then went to sort it.
Nice night last night, Bokwa was bloody ace, sweated buckets as it has certainly warmed up since last week!! Then went home, had my soup and a shower and went to rehearsal. Nice acoustic chilled evening. Home about 11 which is quite early for a Wed night so waved the missus off to bed and had a crafty scotch and water, I know, my bad, but I really fancied one while I chilled out chatting on FB for an hour. And it actually meant for the first time this week I slept ok apart from getting up for a wee lol.
Night in with the missus on laptop and her watching telly no doubt.
Stupidly forgot to pack a bar today so have had a porridge mid morning and half a shake so far. Will try and hold out till soup time tonight and have the other half shake for supper, if not a half a bar extra won't do much harm I don't think.
Hope you are all well
B xxx