Have a lovely time hun, sounds like a great night - you won't need luck (I presume that's about avoiding tomatoes?), you'll be fine xxx
No, I was fine with tomatoes as I was driving, drank an inordinate amount of water though! The luck was for meeting up with old neighbours - long story lol - but it went fine
I would go for the fish Lisa but then I'm in the process of setting up a new tank right now after not having one in over a year.
A fortnight might be a bit too long Bren. Do you not have someone who could pop in after a week to feed them to tide them over until you get home?
Yes we do, bro-in-law can pop in for us to give them a feed when we need him to.
We've decided against the tank a friend was selling as it's too big but have seen a smaller one which would be perfect. Going to another aquatic place tomorrow for further research but saw some fab boggle eyed black goldfish today which looked like velvet! Jo I'll send you a link on FB for another friends business.
You going for coldwater fish then Lisa?
Well, still managing on TFR, think I must be in ketosis as not really hungry until I think it must be a mealtime lol - missing the booze today, especially sitting out in the sunshine, the two seem to go hand in hand, how are you coping with that Lisa?
I did have a small glass of coke zero but its not the same lol
Speaking of mealtime, soup time