It was a lot of fun, but am so terribly uncoordinated - I had ballroom dancing lessons for years as a child but you only really had to move your feet for that, throw in the arms too and I am fecked lol
Was at the hairdressers from 3.45 to 6.45 - think my hairdresser talks too much lol then went to zumba and yoga, watched the pole dancing demo (no way jose) went home, ate sossies and boiled eggs, showered and went back to the bar under where the dancing was and did some punk stuff which is more my forte - jumping up and down and being thrown round the dance floor to "pretty vacant" by some random bloke lol
Last night went to nearest local to watch another band, more dancing and lots of JD and ice
Today been for walk to MiL with dogbert, called at pub on way back for a couple, now home, finished off the ribs I made yesterday and ate some white chocolate (dammit but at least it is all gone now).
Tomorrow we are taking MiL to Manchester for a whizz round the Arndale (not so much a whizz as a crawl - show me where the nearest bar is please!!!) Roll on Wed and Fri nights please

Rehearsal and then gig

I have 3 days postings to get through, apologies if replies and comments are a bit brief but a hell of a lot to read!!!!!