Hi quak, hope you don't mind me butting in on your diary to ask for some advice but here goes -
I notice you lost the bulk of your weight on exante (congrats btw, you look amazing, incredible!!!

Now you eat Atkins style and I am wondering how you made the transition from VLCD? I plan on making this transition myself as I approach my goal weight and am just not sure on what way to go about it.
On lipotrim there is a refeed sheet that suggests you eat low fat and reintroduce portions or rice, pasta, potatoes n bread (poison lol) within the first week of eating food - so as I plan on eating low carb for life, do I scrap this and jump onto induction, or OWL to work my way up the rungs or pre maint :s..
Obviously everyone's different but how did you do it personally? Thanks in advance for any advice you may be able to give me xx