not any more, sorry

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Well, bokwa class tonight, gig tomorrow night and sunday early evening one too.........just had mcdonalds for lunch so will need to work it off!!!!
Survived Bokwa and booked again for next Friday lol :) it seems to be spelling out the alphabet in dance, so far I can do an I, a C, an L and a couple of other moves - very fast and energetic to be sure! On the second session she even made the music faster - somehow we kept up lol
Hi Bren, glad you enjoyed the bokwa:D

We are just getting into training for tomorrow (wine wise) :). But i cant train too hard as new zumba class starts at 10 tomorrow mornng :D
Morning Bren... I'm really impressed that you've picked up the new dance so well! :)
LOL Di, I would not go that far!!!!

Picking up MiL around 12.30 for the afternoon, looks like I am cooking tea then.............................
Morning Bren, hope you are having a great weekend with plenty of bopping:)
Hi Bren... Hope the weekend is going well! :)
I made chicken escalopes with chips and roast veg for the MiL (and had some myself lol) went out to gig last night, huge amount of bopping achieved and then a 2 and a bit mile walk home afterwards to cool down (all uphill too lol) was on vodka and diet coke all night as they did not have pear cider. You southerners would be amazed - £3.50 for a double vodka with proper diet coke in the little bottles - value for money eh? :D
Watching Grand Prix currently, pork steaks for tea (early as there is a 6pm gig today) so need for it to settle a bit before I start bopping again.

Zumba tomorrow night, am going to try to get through all 3 classes........zumba, zumba toning and street dance (whether I manage it remains to be seen lol)

Gigs Wed night, Friday Night and Saturday night so far planned this week......................phew (and Bokwa before the Friday night gig - then rush home for a shower before rushing back to same place for gig - don't think wet wipes would suffice lol)

I so hate to be bored lol :D
Reeeeespect Bren! Lol :)
Hey Dancing Queen.... xx
Jeez :eek:

Morning Bren, I'm feeling tired now :)
Go Bren!! I really want to give Zumba a go. There are a couple of classes locally but only at times I can't get to. Hmm. Well that was my stab at official exercise!
Well, I did Zumba, Zumba toning and.........wait for it........Street Dance (lol - am crap but enthusiastic). So watch me moves you mo fos lol ;)

Hope I can walk tomorrow !!!
Ha ha... Oh Bren you make me smile! Sounds fantastic! Go Gurl!! :)
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