Hi All
Yes Katie, all classes as normal, did another 3 last night, can you just imagine me doing street dance to "Moves like Jagger" lol - I soooooo don't (move like Jagger that is) but really enjoy it so I don't care! Friday was sweltering for Bokwa but we coped.
Not sure really, food shopping after work then maybe some more video editing, really should do the banking too (hate it hate it hate it as we always end up falling out ).
Evening Bren
Hope you got the banking over and done with ok - dh and i were arguing earlier but dinner seems to have helped. Must remember not to let us both be hungry at the same time
Nope, no banking done at all. Bro and Sis in Law decide to decend tonight to brag about their holiday so got nothing done apart from shopping (and only cos I needed to get some stella in for Sis in Law lol)
Its is always about the lack of funds Jim, no fun!!!
Afternoon all, will try and get banking done tonight..............thinking about a dance class too but not sure if I have the energy today. Had a bit of a late one for me last night, too late for a school night anyway.