not any more, sorry

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Well done on the argument-free banking Bren and hope you have a good day:)

Am trying but work always gets in the way lol :8855:

Morning :) Sorry about the late texting! xxx

It is ok, I don't mind but the missus is like a bear with a sore arse if she gets woken up before time :eek: but I did it to Lisa - totally unintentional - looks like it got stuck in the messaging system as sent it at 12.49 on Monday afternoon :eek::eek::eek::eek:
Ok - tis 00.34 and I have had wine and am now on scotch. Been video editing all night (probably reason for alcohol and sleeplessness). Need an exorcism methinks. Jeez and I can still spell. Give me Novacaine (look it up, tis a brilliant song).
Morning Bren... I could just picture you madly editing, hair standing out on end, empty bottles strewn around the place - would make a great doc about a hyper-creative-editor-passionate-about-her-art... hope you have a fab day! :)
Ha, it is very sedate, cosy in the corner of the sofa, glass on arm of sofa, hair firmly in place lol.

All done now, just need to put the vids onto dvd for the band, and a copy for myself of course, although am sick of looking at them after last night lol. Managed to clear my SD card on the camera after reading the instructions lol - so all ready to go again!

Anybody out there on Twitter????? If someone puts #ff in front of a list of names what does it mean???????????? (am still quite new at this tweeting stuff) :D
we're all here to help each other with that stuff :D

I'm so happy, one of the other temps is more of a techno gadget freak than me, and has just shown me the media player she bought so all the movies she has on her external HD can be watched on her tellie!

Bring. It. On :D

Still haven't decided about the Kindle yet though - although stupidly i have bought some eBooks (cheap as chips on eBay)! :)
Afternoon Bren:). Hope you are enjoying the weekend
Afternoon all
Am having a small hangover today.................only decided to go out late last night (9:30 pm lol) having already drunk a bottle of wine, hit the JD and ice at the gig and then the Grants when I got home - so all self inflicted but had a jolly good cardiovascular work out in the mosh pit at the gig so hope the two balance each other out lol.
Watching grand prix and wondering about a glass of wine as hair of the dog? hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

Hope you lot are having a good Sunday, pity about the ***** weather though! xxx
Hi Bren, hope you are feeling back to scratch this evening;).
Weather improved here - actually saw the sun (from inside!) :D
It was a really really good night, am now feeling much better, had the munchies today though (and nothing really legal unfortunately) but hey ho, think of the calories burned last night, and 3 dance classes tomorrow, and a donation of a pint of alcohol, sorry, blood on Tuesday coming.............topping up the alcohol level as I type lol :)
Morning Bren! :)
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