Not just for Christmas...

This is the one!!!


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lil_legs said:
Yes!! So you are a lean mean fighting machine!

Hahaha I just need to look at this pic every time I feel **** about my weigh in hahaha x
teacheronww said:
I downloaded the couch to 5k app. Thinking of starting today :)

I am def improving!! Never run because I just thought I couldn't, but I'm happily doing 2 min bursts now with 2 mins walking, 3 next week :)

Gym done! Think ill do shred this afternoon after shopping!!
teacheronww said:
Ok I'll give it a shot so :) I'm a smoker so have shocking stamina!

I gave up in the summer, have the odd one with a drink that's all :)

So I'm trying to build my stamina up too!!

Did shred in the end, absolutely pooped! Could do with a sofa day not running round after everyone!! Nevermind, take me out will start my relaxing night with a glass of wine!
teacheronww said:
What is this shred that everyone talks about? I fell asleep watching Greys Anatomy and still have house to clean so looks like I might have to leave couch to 5k until tomorrow. Can't really walk around this area when it's dark.

30 day shred DVD by Gillian Michael's off biggest loser. Lasts bout 25 mins like a circuit training with weights, hard but effective!! Finished day 8, 2 more days of level 1 then start level 2 for 10 days eek!!