Gold Member
notlongnow said:Yes really hope no-one else from Qvc sound CD
Lol x
notlongnow said:Yes really hope no-one else from Qvc sound CD
notlongnow said:Yes really hope no-one else from Qvc sound CD
notlongnow said:Pressed send rather than delete!!! Meant hope no-one else from Qvc doing CD and if so hopefully they aren't reading my diary - unlikely on both counts - I hope! After you were talking about stalker behaviour maybe I should be more careful!!! Ps obviously the microstir is a vital piece of equipment that every kitchen should have - is that better!!!!
Rkmriddell said:Haha. That's more like itam intrigued to see what it is now tho haha x
notlongnow said:On wed at 10am, 2pm and then for the highlight of the micro stir that will feature at 10pm!!!
therealbbe said:Next weds or tonight???
therealbbe said:Next weds or tonight???
notlongnow said:So have survived day 24 despite being really hungry - most hungry I've been sine ketosis started!!
Managed to talk myself down from eating some chicken - I know it would be allowed but it's more that I am sole source and it would probably just been the start - ive had this so I can just have this as well type thinking!
Hoping to be feeling a bit more in control & sage tomorrow. I know I will wake up chuffed that I got through day 24 no food ingested!!
Rkmriddell said:I had a hungry day today too! Well done for sticking it out!! Another great day xxx
notlongnow said:Well done for getting through - extra kudos to you for doing it on hols and super strong to spit out sweets - respect!!!
notlongnow said:Next Wednesday - its live so much as I love this site I prob won't be able to post at the same time!!
notlongnow said:Morning all day 25 today. CDC. coming this afternoon - cant wait as have run out of bars and have ordered the famed choc mint so will be having one of those today!!!
Hoping she won't want to weigh me as prob won't have changed since Monday so I wont look if she does want so as not to get demoralised!!