Sorry to follow up a second time, but what is your training schedule in regards to the cross trainer. You do the monthly big runs, how often do you do shorter runs?
No need to be sorry
Me and my sister go the gym 2-3 times a week (now 3-4 doing the sat mornings) we both do roughly the same workout but hers is about half the number of levels that i do.
normally i do a 5k or 10k on the cross trainer (depending on my mood), 2 mins on level 10 .. 1 min on level 15 ( thats just under 25ish mins for 5k and just under 50ish mins for 10k) trying to keep an average of 11.6 - 12.3 km/h
if i do a 5k, i'll also do 30 mins on a treadmill, level 15 for 20 mins, then level 10 for last 10 mins (might do a 5 min cool down, but not always) .. if i do the 10k on the cross trainer, i don't use the treadmill.
Sometimes the treadmills are full up, then i go onto the rowing machines for 15 mins, set the 'resistance' to about 5 or 6, and go as fast as is comfy, 7 1/2 mins palms down, 7 1/2 mins palms up and then go on the excersise bike for 15 mins on level 6 and just try and keep a comfy pace.
After that i'll go into the resistance weight room (weights built into the machines rather then freeweights thaat you add yourself , if you know what i mean)
and i'll go on each machine once, for a rep of between 25 and 30, between level 10 and 12 depending on the machine.. then i'll just walk about stretching legs or go on the power-plate and just vibrate all the tough muscles loose.
On a long cross trainer run, all i'll do is stretch my legs and go for it, it helps that there are a few tv's in front of you or i just play my mp3 player with good songs with a 'thumpy' beat. afterwards i'll go and get changed etc then go home and recover for rest of the day.
i also do 'half' push ups everynight (i can't get all the way down yet, so it's more of a halfway down bounce lol) as many as i feel like, (no preasure for silly numbers) and i have resistance bands, a powerball and hand grips that i'll sit at the computer and fiddle with.
2 and a bit years ago you wouldn't catch me doing any of this, now i really enjoy it. shame i never took it up sooner.