a few from me..
last night my cousin and uncle came over as my cousin wanted some help doing something on her laptop. we keep in touch over facebook etc.. but haven't actually seen each other for a year and a half (or so). there is a knock on the door and i answer my usual way, standing behind the door, head poking around the door and let them in, tell them to go thru into the living room, as i walk behind them. when we walk into the room my uncle turns to me and says 'how's it going skinny' (a nickname he's called me since the weight loss was first noticable) .. my cousin turns around and her jaw drops ''oh my god where have you gone'' she's asking how much had i lost, how long, how i've done it etc.. she asks me if i am 'done' , and i say i have a few more to go. according to her i don't need to lose anything more, i look amazing... the biggest compliment was she said i was thinner then my other cousin (he brother) as he has always been the fittest and most outdoors out of all of us in the family. think i had a 'inside' grin all night
my former neighbour (moved out 3 months ago) was over this morning picking up the last of her post, and she was saying how great i looked.. and that she is thinking of getting fit again by joining a group/club
i bought a new shirt for a family party (not had a new one in a year), and i've lost 3 inches off my neck
no nsv's for agaes and 3 in a weekend
