I only had one pair of shorts which are size 20 and massive on me. I thought it was wayyyyy too warm to wear jeans in this weather so I found a pair of my sisters shorts and their size 14 :O I'm still in shock that I could get them on because I can't actually ever remember being a size 14!!! They are a little on the tight side and they're linen so do have a bit of stretch but I'm beaming from ear to ear!!!!
This is going to be TMI but anyway....first time in 7 years I have started my period naturally, my PCOS and weight stopped my periods and only time i got them in that 7 years was when I was put on the pill and suffered severe depression with it...been avoiding the pill ever since, lest to say i lost my monthlies again...this morning looks like they've restarted, and it can only be down to losing enough weight to trigger them back in as i'm on no meds of medical or herbal variety. Safe to say i'm a happy bunny this morning cos it means my dr won't try forcing me on the pill again!
Ok tmi over![]()
That is such great news, couldn't be happier for youI always complain about my time of the month (mainly cause mine are quite painful!) but this makes me realise that I need to put things into perspective.
This probably doesn't seem like much to most of you guys, but bear in mind I'm still roughly 7st overweight (about the weight of an extra small woman) and you'll understand...I cracked out the Xbox and my Zumba fitness (dusted off all of them) and had a go for the first time since just after I bought it. The last time I played it, I managed one routine from the beginner class and thought my legs were going to fall off, so I had to stop. This time round, I managed 3 routines from the same class, and also did quite well at keeping in time with the instructor. I'm very pleased with myself and I reckon that if it hasn't been so hot (and the OH hadn't come spying and putting me off), I could probably have finished the 20 minute class without actually passing out![]()
Huge improvement! Well done. You must be chuffed x
Lol I hate OH seeing me exercise as well. X
Its all a journey. Takes time but you'll get there x