OH, so that's what contraceptives are for... d'oh!! (updated)

Morning testing is better, I believe!

It's funny isn't it...how some people don't really 'try' and just catch (not that you've necessarily caught, but you know what I mean!)...without even any water coming out of the fireman's hose. Then there are those who use the hose regularly, to its full working capacity, and really try hard to time it right, but don't get anywhere! LOL! I'll stop with the fire hose analogy now (which I love, thanks Vix!!)

I have a friend who has been trying for 2 years with no joy. She's had every check going but no answers why yet.

Anyway..I digress. Whatever happens, I hope it makes you both really happy :D xxx
It's funny isn't it...how some people don't really 'try' and just catch (not that you've necessarily caught, but you know what I mean!)...without even any water coming out of the fireman's hose. Then there are those who use the hose regularly, to its full working capacity, and really try hard to time it right, but don't get anywhere! LOL! I'll stop with the fire hose analogy now (which I love, thanks Vix!!)

I have a friend who has been trying for 2 years with no joy. She's had every check going but no answers why yet.

Love that fireman hose thing, JustSeventeen was awesome! My OH many many years ago with his ex-wife had been trying for nearly 2 years, they eventually gave up and decided to buy two nice new cars and she found out she was pregnant pretty much the day before they picked up the cars! Sometimes I think our bodies like to do things when we least expect it!

Keep us updated .. on the tests not the hose ;)
with my 2nd the 1st test was negative,but i wasnt convinced and did another next day which was positive !!
Maybe I'm just being anxious, but here's the story... without the details!

After a bedroom workout a couple of weeks ago that wasn't completed (catch my drift?)

And on the funny side, you should have seen my OH's face when I said there may be a slight possibility I'm pregnant!! Hillarious! Lol

I'm really nervous now I hope it's all coincidence! :eek: xx

Firstly, OMG lol. I could have written this.

I was absoloutly terrified christmas eve when i went for an emergancy doctors appointement.

I was suffering from nausia, then over eating followed by the desire to never eat again and more nausia, along with constant peeing, and boobs (which are still) swollen and unbelieavly painful to the touch. I came off my injection almost 6 months ago, and am still waiting for my period to come. we'v been using little overcoats for protection.. but it just slipped our mind and as it was it happened.. But not completly.. if you also get my drift LOL.

I went to the docs thinking i had a urine infection and was suffering bad side affects of signs of a period coming, and she told me i had to take a pregnancy test xmas morning (as id already had my first wee of the day) and that from my symptoms i could be anywhere near 6-10 weeks pregnant.
I drove home in a daze.. fell into me mums arms and cried hysterically at the thought. i was terrified!

i took a test that day even though i wasnt supposed too, that was negative, aswell as another xmas morn as instructed, negative also. and i plan to take another next week, just to be double double sure!

so i totally feel your pain.

*hugs* like other have said. if it happens.. it happens and as others have said, it usually happens when least expected. Youd be suprised how many couples adopt due to not being able to concieve naturally then suddenly fall pregnant once they'v relaxed and stopped trying. Its just one of those things!

- also loving the hose anology - genuis!

No matter what happens, youl cope and your be fab parents, just as your are to your LO now im sure of it.

Sending you loads of calm and positive vibes! x
Aw thanks. Scary isn't it!

Thanks for the messages everyone. I'm not testing again until tomorrow. Still no *week, CD29 now (+3!) And still no signs! So frustrating. Sending OH out to buy a ClearBlue test tonight, just don't quite trust the Wilkinsons own cheapie 2 for £1.98 strips lol, did I mention how really unclear the instructions are on them, my word you'd think it would be easy... so ClearBlue it is lol. Still feel quite chilled, no cramps although I've had really dull ache for over a week now... hmm lol. xx
Forgot to mention the sickness. Still iffy, yesterday evening wasn't too great and this morning I feel a little nausious... blergh. Can't think of anything I've eaten to cause it, but is always a possibility! Hehe xx
oooh excitingness!

seems now like its good news either way lol!

i remember Lol-ing at my OHs sister and her poundland pregnancy test! with something that important i would wana know 4 sure!!

Any news?? Very exciting stuff! Im sure it will be fine these thing happen for a reason! Good luck!
Best time to do them is first thing in the morning
Late onto this thread but just wanted to say keep us posted and hope you're ok x
Cant wait for the answer, Ive gone through all 3 pages of this thread with the 'is she, isnt she?' each time I moved the cursor!
Its like reading a novel youve bought from a charity shop on holiday. Youre gripped, can t put the book down, when, OMG, the b*****s have ripped out the last page!
Cant wait for the answer, Ive gone through all 3 pages of this thread with the 'is she, isnt she?' each time I moved the cursor!
Its like reading a novel youve bought from a charity shop on holiday. Youre gripped, can t put the book down, when, OMG, the b*****s have ripped out the last page!

LMAO sooooo true :8855:
Cant wait for the answer, Ive gone through all 3 pages of this thread with the 'is she, isnt she?' each time I moved the cursor!
Its like reading a novel youve bought from a charity shop on holiday. Youre gripped, can t put the book down, when, OMG, the b*****s have ripped out the last page!

Lol love it!! I don't know what's going on myself yet so you'll have to wait! Xx
We can't wait!!! LOL! Have you done a test this morning? Or are you just waiting for * week, patiently?