OH, so that's what contraceptives are for... d'oh!! (updated)

Hehe! You lot are so funny!! Come on put us out of our misery! What did it say??!
- gunna drop in here and chuck a bit more pressure your way ;)

come on girlie.. im pretty sure mines gunna be negative, so no rush lol.. but yours is most very likley, and also more of a joy for you should it be positive..

i want to know.. now now now now..

i think you are.. and im gunna say its a girlie :D haha. xx
Lol sorry for taking so long!

*week arrived a week late and is giving me hell. Although we weren't trying, my OH got all excited as *week is never late, so we're a little down about it. But now we're officially TTC starting as soon as *week goes so it's not all bad :)

Thanks for the support everyone. *massive group hug* xxx
Ah, I'm sorry to hear that - but, never mind maybe this will help you to make up your minds to have another baby soon, I hope you will feel better, take care my love. X
Aw thats a bit poo hun, but atleast you'v made the descion now, rather than it being made for you lol!
*hugs* all the best for the future my lovley.

*massive group hugs* xxx
Never mind! Im sure it will happen soon! At least it made it clear in your minds that you do want another baby! So go for it!! Good luck!