Oh to be a consistent Target Member!!

Goodness gracious you poor poor thing I bet you're glad you went now

Whoever said exercise is good for you !!
No, definitely no driving. Had a rather long email from Sarah early this morning but didn't see it until I came home. Said she's made alternative arrangements for school...sigh! I emailed her about my ankle...she said call me if you need anything. If it were HER I'd be straight round there...!!!

Just had call from fracture clinic...Tuesday afternoon. I like that...a nice 'non urgent' case! :D
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Sometimes being non urgent can be a good thing, my dad cut a tendon in his hand and was in hospital waiting for his turn to be operated on but more urgent cases came in everyday and I said 'just be glad you aren't a more serious/urgent case', I mean he had cut it with a chainsaw!

Its right to feel sorry for yourself but don't eat anything extra to cheer yourself up! Well done for getting it checked out Janet.

Hope everyone else is having a good Saturday! Hugs
Sometimes being non urgent can be a good thing, my dad cut a tendon in his hand and was in hospital waiting for his turn to be operated on but more urgent cases came in everyday and I said 'just be glad you aren't a more serious/urgent case', I mean he had cut it with a chainsaw!

Its right to feel sorry for yourself but don't eat anything extra to cheer yourself up! Well done for getting it checked out Janet.

Hope everyone else is having a good Saturday! Hugs

Hope you've got all the chocs safely taped up in the tin now Donna! :D Yes I need to be aware as I probably won't be weighing in at group.

Oh your dad sounds as handy as Joseph...!! I remember an axe head flying off it's handle and hitting him in the head...that made plenty of blood!!

No I haven't Janet, that would mean going near the box again! Maybe I will get Antony to do it for me. Having a relaxing day, watching another Bond Movie, Chloe is asking details from her dad when she doesn't understand something.
Well I'm just going to continue being honest about the food I've had each day...Joseph mostly preparing meals -

Breakfast: options, chopped fruit & yogurt
snack after hospital: options, pkt soya & potato snacks
Lunch: LM vegetarian pie, sprouts, carrots, roasted (frylight) parsnips
snack: chocolates, later choc biscuits
supper: scotch pancakes (been kicking around in the freezer for ages!) tsp golden syrup.
Not sure I could balance on scales yet. This boot is quite cumbersome never mind a plaster. Not sure what to do about group...I don't want to lose my membership, especially as I was out there for them!!
Just messaged c on fb...she knows already of course but has been a bit 'silent'....

Ha!! well she just rang me... Said it would be 8 weeks before I was off the website and she can override things her end too.
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Oh Janet just follow your usual eating plan and the scales will not change! You can do it. Just be patient with yourself, I know its going to be annoying but hopefully you will heal well and quickly. hugs to you allxxx