Total Solution Ok Fresh start today!!!

Hey shoobs, sounds like you've got the head back in the right place, well done xx

I should have about 2 weeks worth of S & S left after this week so, lets see how much we can lose!!
Mornin all
Well I just weighed in on d mornin of Day 2 and I'm 10-6 so lost 2and 1/2 lbs in my first day!
I know some Wudnt recommend daily weighing in but it keeps me on d straight and narrow! Otherwise I kid myself at d beginning of d wk dat I can cheat coz I've 6 days to work it off!!! Unfortunately one slip leads to another and b4 I know it I'm no closer to reachin my goal....further perhaps and have wasted a wks sachets!!!!
Here's to another day TS
Day 2 Bring it on!!!
Have a gud one!!
Miles of smiles

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Hey Shoebedoo - Looks like you are back on track, it's tough getting back on it after a few days off, isn't it? Well done - hope you have a good loss this week! :)
Hey shoobie Im gonna do this with you too. June 2012 bring it on xx
Afternoon Shoobs, well done on resisting temptation in the takeaway and well done with your day 1 weight loss! Wish I could lose that much, that quick! :D :hug99: xx
Hey Havin another super day Had porridge 4 bfast, bar after work at 3.30 and have just had another porridge .... Told ya I'd addicted!!! Will b drinking water 4 d evenin and will have bouillon if I get d munchies!! Off 2 d bog dis evenin to foot d turf! Gotta b done Have to do my bit as NJoy toastin my backside next Autumn/winter
Head down Arse up;)
Hope yer all havin a super day!!!

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Nitey nite all Had xtra bar as was Starvin after d bog Boy o boy does my lower back ache from all d stooping Can hear heavy rain now so am glad we got it done! Hope it's dry tomoro Fingers crossed Have downed a litre of water Hope I won't have to make a few trips to d loo in d middle of d nite!! Sweet dreams all! Here's to another TS day tomoro!!! Stomach not Lookin as bulgy as it was!!! Summer clothes r not so forgiving... All d more reasons to keep our heads to d grindstone!!! Hope yer all winnin ;) til tomoro Nitey nite

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Mornin all Day 3 begins and I weigh in at 10-5 so another lb gone Happy with dat Seems 2 have rained all nite and is still at it....0h dear! TIs no wonder my MAm had aches and pains in her joints....she is better than d weather forecast predictions as her arthritis acts up when ders goin 2b a change - usually 4 d worst!!
Well here's to another TS day! We will fight on- d battle of d lbs!!!
Have a gud one all!!

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Sounds like you've been mega busy shoebedoo! That should help shift a few unwanted lbs! I've never heard about sage tea for mouth ulcers but going to remember that one, thanks you!!
Mother in law passed on d tip Lady in health shop told her sister when she got one after a trip to d dentist!!! Funny enough mine came up hrs after a trip to d orthodontist so reckon I got mine der 2 .. Either germs 4m der hands or 4m breathing over me... TIs gross when ya think about it!!! Found d sage tea excellent as bonjella only stung it whereas d sage tea numbed and soothed it!! Much improved now ... Thank gudness!!!
So MP do u ice Ur cupcakes with a knife or do u pump it onto it??

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Morning shoobilicous, hhave a good one x
I use a really old icing gun that used to belong to my mum-it's fab! I want to get a proper cupcake icing kit though! My next plan is to try flavouring the sponge a bit more-they do some great flavourings on eBay but can't remember the name-think its loran or something like that-they do a black cherry one, sounds divine!
Oh wow MP Certainly sounds delicious!! Must invest in an icing gun!! Check if ders a name on it please as I've a cheapy one dats crap so use a toddlers knife as it has no edges!!

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Hey Busybusy
Havin a gr8 day Stocked up on Coke Zero as twas on offer Had porridge 4 bfast and an Atkins bar an hr ago Son just had reflexology to help his migraine On bus home Leave car 2 miles 4m my hse as bus lanes r super and half d journey time wise plus car parks in d city r a big rip off!!
Kids Lookin 4ward to bottle feeldin Nannys triplet pet lambs Der very cute - 2 white and one black Der christened John , Edward (yes mine r big Jedward fans) and Whitney Heuston
How ru and Ur kids? Fair play drinking loads of water!!!

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Mornin all Day 4 and I weighed in at 10-4 this mornin Thrilled as had a porridge goin to bed last nite as was starving!! Legs were achin Muscles r probably still sore from d bog No pain no gain!!
Looks dry today Hurray!! Hope rain stays away Nothin worse than drizzle
Hope day flies Braiding hair at a party after work Must stuff myself with a porridge and pop in some gum to keep myself on d wagon
Have a fantastic Friday all L8rs ;)

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Good afternoon Shoobs, hope you're having a fabulous 100% day! awww those pet lambs sound cute :hug99: xx
Nitey nite all Had a very busy day but am oozing with energy (ketosis prob kicked in!) so had a very productive day! Work, child's party, bog and housework so am only gettin d chance 2 update diary now! Can't beat being busy!!
Had 2 porridges, hot CHoc with peppermint tea today. Finally managed 3 sachets 2day but am thrilled lbs r droppin off regardless!!! Bank holiday wkend Hurray!! TIs nice havin an xtra day together as a family!!
Hope ye all had equally successful days diet wise!!! Til tomoro Sweet dreams!!!

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