Total Solution Ok Fresh start today!!!

Morning shoobs,Hope your good, d bog? some clarification please? Hope it wasnt too much torture at the party.Have a fab day x
Hey Busybusy D bog is where our turf is 4 burning as fuel Twas cut so OH turned it over 2 wks ago, we then 'foot it' which means putting it standing up in little piles so it can dry out Next job is 2 bag it in a wk or 2 then bring it home Hard work but worth it Our stove heats our rads
I was gud at d party Kept busy braiding children's hair with diff coloured thread They luved it!!! STS this mornin Need husks badly as feel bloated Hope u had another TS day Ur doin gr8

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Oh I see now sounds hard work you'll be burning loads of cals Im good, slimatea Holland & Barrett holland does the trick. If you cant get it there let me know ill post it to you. Good job on at the party x.
Ah Tanx but have a box so will make a cuppa dis mornin Lashin rain er ...sob!!!
Better get up and out Can def feel d muscles in my back this mornin!!! Gotta up d amt of water Im drinking Hope Ur havin a sunny Sunday over der Gr8 2 more days off!!! TIs like startin d wkend again ;)
Must complete pupil report sheets 2day- gotta b done Hard 2 believe last term finished in 3 1/2 wks Gettin hols 26th!!! Bought Size 10 bikini in Tesco yday Must try it on..

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Morning Hun, it miserable here too with very bad rain. Had planned on zoos and parks today and tomorrow-don't think it's gonna happen. What to do now.

Try two bags in one cup if it's very bad. Size 10!! Wow you trooper you gonna feel great. Very proud of you, well earned shoobie iv been on this journey with you and know hoe hard you worked to get there. Your gonna have a fab summer with a slim n sexy new you xxx
Ah Tanx Busy busy Right back at u! 9st 7 here we come! Church, pool, recycle glass at bottle bank then shoppin on our agenda Kids wanted park 2 but r happy out with pool Will do loads of lengths takin turns Watchin over kids and playin with dem with my OH Happy days!! Have a super day whatever ye get up 2 and Ta 4 tips re tea!! Fingers crossed

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Good afternoon Shoobs, hope you're enjoying a lovely family day. Am aiming for 9st 7lbs too! :D :hug99: xx
Me too, 9st7lbs is the best I ever feel weightwise and usually the point when people have said 'don't lose any more'
Afternoon shoebs, hope you enjoy your very busy sunday xx
Oh sorry to mention shoob have the tea last thing at night as it can be a bit too effective sometimes and you dont want to be caught out lol. I usually have a cup last thing before bed whenever I do exante just to keep things ticking.
Hey girlies
Njoyed our busy mornin Had a banana smoothie when I got home with xtra ice in my Smoothie2go.... My gudness it was scrum but freezed me 2 d bone! I started shivering .... Didn't help hair was wet... So took 2 d bed with several blankets... 'twas like hypothermia had set in!!! My son heated 2 material neck warmers in d micro and thankfully I began 2 thaw!!!
Fell asleep and my daughter joined me!!! Utter bliss on a Sunday!!!
No Sunday nite blues 4 me 2nite as 2 Moro is a Bank Hol
Full of energy now after some Coke Zero
Think I'll sneak off 2 d bog 2 get it finished
Hope d sods aren't 2 wet after d mornin of rain
Goin 2 chance it
Hope yer all winnin and full of beans!!!! ( no not baked beans ... Hee hee)
Miles of smiles

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Hey Busybusy
I'll drink some tonite so
Was up and out early this mornin so didn't get d chance Did take husks which has helped!
Hope ur njoyin Ur Sun and dat d rain has gone like er!
Big drop in temperatures compared 2 last wkend!! Climate is so topsy turvy!! Oh 2 live in Florida... I'd luv sun sea and sand all yr round!!

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Ok didn't get to drink d tea as have 2 go 2 bog early n d mornin and Wudnt fancy d call of nature comin down der as its miles from our hse or any hse... Hee hee Sweet tooth got d better of me last nite Left with a horrible sweet taste in my mouth regardless of Washin my teeth with minty toothpaste Gotta do TS tomoro Minor blip I hope!
Hope yer all winnin

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Hey girlies
Njoyed our busy mornin Had a banana smoothie when I got home with xtra ice in my Smoothie2go.... My gudness it was scrum but freezed me 2 d bone! I started shivering .... Didn't help hair was wet... So took 2 d bed with several blankets... 'twas like hypothermia had set in!!! My son heated 2 material neck warmers in d micro and thankfully I began 2 thaw!!!
Fell asleep and my daughter joined me!!! Utter bliss on a Sunday!!!
No Sunday nite blues 4 me 2nite as 2 Moro is a Bank Hol
Full of energy now after some Coke Zero
Think I'll sneak off 2 d bog 2 get it finished
Hope d sods aren't 2 wet after d mornin of rain
Goin 2 chance it
Hope yer all winnin and full of beans!!!! ( no not baked beans ... Hee hee)
Miles of smiles

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Haha that had me chuckling away. You do make me laugh Shoobs :D

Hope you have a productive day at the bog hun! :hug99: xx
Top of a sunny morn 2u all
Down at d bog at 8.30 Got finished in 2hrs Gr8 2 have it all standin up! Put a turkey in d oven b4 we left so dat made me work faster asI didn't want 2 comeback to it being charred!!
Just had a leg so I guess it's a WS day 4 me 2day! Back 2 work 2moro Find it easier 2 do TS then
Ta 4 droppin in all
Hope ye all have a super day!
Gud luck 2 all weighing in!
10-5 on my scales this mornin Twas lower yday
Onwards and downwards!!!

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Hey shoobs, I do not miss bagging/cutting turf one bit, I am glad it's you and not me!! Well I assume thats what you were doing in the bog!!

Onwards and downwards to you too!! xxxxxxxx
Hey hope your having a excellent day x. Dont worry about the scales drink and bet it will down tomorrow
Ah Tanx Busybusy Will start gluggin water! I'm desperate at 4gettin 2 drink
Yes LW Tisnt d nicest job but cud think of a lot worse... Hee hee
No rain er today thank gudness but forecast predicts its not 2 far away!!
Surely u don't miss d weather LW???

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Was miserable here too with showers mostly. All that exercise at the bog bet your toning loads especially arms and legs. Nothing like nice defined limbs for summer x;)
What a chore that sounds having to cut all that turf, but I guess that will help shift a few lbs!

Re the icing gun (sorry I don't always realise when I get replies on here lol!) I have no idea on the make - its nearly as old as me lol!!! It's metal though, the plastic ones just don't seem to last!

Have a great day :0)