Ok here goes, my journey

I've nearly finished the book...doubt I will read the rest though lol!

Not interested in Tennis whatsoever :eek:
Hey honey good to see you doing so well, nightmare about your hair though glad it got sorted. Hope your Dublin trip will be fantabulous hugs xx
lol what is with this 50 shades of grey book its taken the world by storm!! even my mum is reading it she has it on her kindle so will maybe have to have a little read after she has finished.
i thought the tennis was a bit of a let down but tbh i have never been much of a sports fan so perhaps thats why i thought it was rubbish lol. i tell you what though i am quite a new fan of american wrestling (i know i know) but i keep on finding myself watching it i dont know if its the sexy mans bodys or the lack of other things to watch on the television but i have to say i do like it! it's a little bit like a soap opera lol ....who would have known???
Glad you're feeling better, when's weighin?
NB - since I just had to look up what the hello 50 shades is, you're not the only one :D And what is this tennis thing? :eek:

It's not till Friday CG. Everyone I know is reading the book, it's all over my news feed on FB too. I only read books on holiday so I wont be even thinking of reading it until September if at all..My friends have nicknamed it "mummy porn"
Soooooooo today I am absolutley exhausted,such a busy day at work & it's apprasial time so i will be here there 7 everywhere like a mad woman for the next 3 weeks.

PP day

B Muffins
L Cotage cheese, roast chicken, sf jelly
D Mince flan, FF greek yogurt & carmel sauce

Plenty of liquids today
Flippin appraisals....always feel they are just a paper filling exersise that only matter in redundancy situations.....boring.......xxx
Aw Jo, your work sounds manic. Hang in there lady and keep with the good food choices. What's this caramel sauce by the way? Is that the sugar free syrup stuff?

Big Dukan hug.

Jo, you are Dukan flying girl! Well done :D

And do you know what, that was really kind of you to go into the redeployment pool at work. Hope it works out well.

Now missus, when is Dublin?!

P xxx
Jo, you are Dukan flying girl! Well done :D

And do you know what, that was really kind of you to go into the redeployment pool at work. Hope it works out well.

Now missus, when is Dublin?!

P xxx

I've just posted in your diary :)

I'm not in the "pool" yet, don't think my boss is going to let it happen but we'll see.

Dublin is Friday !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Winnie C said:
Oh Jojo,
I thought I would treat myself to a new hair colour on Fri - paid £75 for a colour (no cut) - stupid hairdresser said that i'd be walking out like Kelly Brook !! lol

It is REALLY awful - the colour is too dark & even though it is brown - she has managed to make it look really fake - its got orange colour hilights (that she said were amber colour ??) really bloody awful x lol x

Winnie has your hair settled yet?
Joodle the caramel sauce is one of the sugar free ones from lowcarb megastore.

Another busy day, work is manic. I'll be doing a 14hr shift tomorrow :(

PP day today

B muffins
L chicken & cottage cheese
D filet steal & prawns.
S ff fromage frais & caramel sauce.

Lots of fluids again today. Still going for 2lbs this week but anything is a bonus :)
take it steady hun, this diet is hard enough, add a 14hr shift to it and well..it's harder :)

be kind to yourself and don't run yourself ragged if you can find a way not to xx
14 hour shift? That's awful. I've enjoyed catching up on your diary Jojo - it's so very kind of you to volunteer for the pool; even if your boss doesn't want you to go, your colleagues must really appreciate the gesture.
If good deeds were rewarded on the scales Jo, you would definitely get your 2lbs this week! When's weigh in? Jx

PS It is a bit sad how excited I am about sugar free syrup...
Oh man I jumped on the scales this morning something I never do mid week & the 2lb has gone !!!!!! So for today anyway under 200lbs :). Maybe I should take that & not weigh in Friday :)
Well done JoJo, you're doing so well :D

You were one of the main people that inspired me to join minimins, as your posts incited my motivation and you continue to shine ;)

Go #TeamDukan
Well done JoJo, you're doing so well :D

You were one of the main people that inspired me to join minimins, as your posts incited my motivation and you continue to shine ;)

Go #TeamDukan

Bless you hun xxxx
Will be popping on & off all day today to keep me sane, not really lookming forward to finishing at 11pm tonight :( I think I've a couple of days next week where I'm doing similar hours due to it being apprasial time.

PP day

B Turkey rashers & scrambled egg
L Chicken
D more chicken
S Muffins

Brought a ready cooked chicken from ASDA on my way in so I have plenty to eat & when i start wavering at about 8pm I have protien to munch on rather than going to the vending machine.

Just today & tomorrow to get through & a long weekend off !!!!!! Yay can't wait, it seems ages ago since I organised the trip to Dublin. I just hope the weather picks up just a little bit, I really am getting fed up of the rain now !
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