Ok here goes, my journey

Yes but it's not my official wi day :( & I'm bound to put on a couple whilst in Dublin so it'll be short lived but I will get it off again :) x
Hope work isn't dragging too much for you, what a long day!! You must feel great that you're under 200lbs now, and that you're going on holiday soon! :)x
Great under 200lb, enjoy....Jo enjoy your weekend look at me after two weeks.....don't worry xxx hope your shift its isint dragging xxx
Ceri, hahaha nearly re wrote your post lol xxx
Just got in !!!! So make that a 15 hour day & the day from hell it's been. Not even getting under 200lbs 2 days before my official wi has lifted my spirits. Seriously thought about going off sick but the fact I'm a bit of a control freak (at work only) is stopping me. I work in a male dominated environment so have to stand up for myself all the time otherwise I get walked over. It's tiring though.

Only tomorrow to go & Dublin here I come :)
Back in work for 9.30 this morning after my mammouth day yesterday, can't wait to finish at 4pm today !!!!!!

So i got on the scales again this morning & it's still a 2lb loss so I'm taking it Woooooohoooooooooo first time in I don't know how long I have been under 200lbs. Updated my ticker & noticed I am nearly half way, another 2lb & I will be.

PP day today

B Muffins
L Roast beef & ff yogurt
D Steak & chicken breast
S Tofu creme with carmel sauce.

Will be going all PV days whilst in Dublin - to the best of my ability apart from gala meal Saturday night ! Can't wait now !!!!!!
Yay Jo, so happy for you! (Not for the long shift....for the 2lbs....ok, you figured that.....) Now go enjoy Dublin as it's so well deserved. And report back on what booze tastes like please!

hope you have a brill time in dublin xxx
Great news on weight Jo.....and wipe
Your mind free from work and have a fab weekend with loads of craic xxx and Guiness mmmmmm
I can feel myself swelling !!!!!!

Hope everyone's ok catch up with you all next week x
Jo I felt the same....its your mind playing tricks or a little water retention defo.....just enjoy woman
Or else lol xxx
All packed & waiting now to picked up to go to the airport. It is absolutley chucking it down here in Dublin so glad we aren't sightseeing today.

I'm not even going to try & tell you what I've eaten the last few days but lets just say I tried - epic fail :) Our "posh" meal on Saturday night I got so drunk I can't even tell you what I ate, nor how I got back to the hotel :) huge hangover yesterday only to go to the Guinness factory for hair of the dog :)

We have done loads of walking, so much so I was in bed for 9pm last night totally done in.

Had a lovely few days but can't wait to get back on plan, I have felt every carb swell me in every place possible ! Will wi tomorrow to assess the damage - eeeekkk !