Old Food Diary , no longer in use x

U will lose this week :) xx
Thats good going hunnie, you will for sure loose this week then! Keep up the great work:) xx
WELL here i am again on friday i was STS and today i'm 12st 3lbs .. so about a 3lbs gain but thats because all weekend ive just drank booze (beer stout and cider lol) and ate loads!!! including 2 fried breakies :) was an amazing weekend SSSSOOOO it's the 14week challenge! anyone feel free to join in ive got 17lbs to lose before my holidays in oct :) so can't wait, i'm changing my WI day to a tuesday as this is what it was before and it was great for me :)

Food Diaries;

Cheerios 30g + milk 100ml - 2p
Orange 0.5
Frube 1

Thins 1.5
Cheese spread 0.5
pombears 1
apple 0.5

Spag bol 6.5
Garlic bread 2.5
P&W 0.5
yog 1.5

18 :)
Welcome bk :) sounds like a nice weekend! 14 week challenge sounds fab!! Xx
Welcome back smirky!! I'm deffo up for the 14week challenge-that should be a nice stone off hopefully for me! Had a terrible weekend myself but hey, it's done and dusted so onwards and upwards (down in the pounds!) for us:) xx
i over ate today so trying to save a few points up tomorrow n thursday :)


Cheerios + milk 2
Orange 0.5
yog 1.5

Thin + spread cheese 2
pombears 1
frube 1
apple 0.5

jacket spud 4
beans 3
orange + apple 1


cheerios + milk 2
yog 1.5
apple 0.5


Thins + spread 2
pombears 1
apple 0.5


thins 1.5
beans 3
cheese 2
orange + apple 1


Cheerioes +milk 2
yog 1.5
apple 0.5

Crackers 1
Cheese 2
apple n orange 1
P&W 0.5


Sub 8
pombears 1
P&W 0.5


cereal + milk 3

Shake 3.5
apple 0.5
banana 1.5

Jacket spud with cheese 4
beans 3
P&W 0.5


chocolate pasties (it's a sunday trad at mikes :D )
9 (teehee so nice though)

jacket spud with cheese 4
beans 3

Shake 3.5


Cheerios + milk 2
yog 1.5
orange 0.5

Cheerios + milk 4
frube 1
apple 0.5

thin 1.5
beans 3
cheese 2

mini milk 1

U can do it :) x
U can do it :) x

thanks hun hope so! WI tomorrow eek!!! :p

thought i had better put down my weekly food diary :)

Cheerioes + milk 2
Yog 1

Ko-Lee noodles 4.5
orange 0.5

chicken 2.5
Rice 2

Mini milk 1

13.5 (over ate a lil today (tue) :p )

Cheerioes + milk 2
Yog 1

Thins 1.5 cheese spread 0.5
pombears 1
frube 1
apple 0.5

beef 2.5
potatoes 150g 1.5
peas 2

Mini milk 1



cereal 2
yog 1.5

Noodles 4.5
Apple 0.5
frube 1

Pizza 4.5

skips 1



Noodles 4.5
Apple 0.5

Chicken breast
Baby potatoes
bbq sauce

6.5 :D LOOOVE harvester online menu tells you cals next to everything now and then you try the online meal builder and it gives you the cals and sat fat for whole thing! woo :D

(going out drinking! ... only having a few but saved some points for that as coverage! )

11.5 :)

Chocolate treat breakie 9 (though yesterday was a smaller version only 6.5 (worked it out hehe) hope its them again!!!)

Noodles 4.5 apple 0.5

Thins 1.5, cheese 2, beans 2.5

20 (hehehe)


cereal 2
yog 1.5

Crackers + cheese and apple 3.5

Beef 2.5, 150g baby potatoes 1.5, peas 2

mini milk 1

14 :D
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Looks good! Good luck for WI xx
Looks good! Good luck for WI xx

thankyou lost 3lbs!

was naughty today went over to celebrate hence the low figures for next week to bring it down a bit, majorly wanna be in those 11s this time next week :) thanks for the support hun xx
Well done u star :) good luck for the 11s :) xx
thankyou hun praying the 11s come soon! yay :)
How far away are the 11s? X
Thankyou I'm only a 1lb off the 11s :) been in em before lightest I've been wad 11s 8lbs that was a while ago but I've virtually maintained for a year now but enough now time to get to goal lol xxx
Yay! U could get there this week then :) and then work to get to ur lightest again :) xx
hiiii girlies! well last week i STS .. don't know why i forgot to put up food diary for last week but anyway!!! ... this week i lost 2lbs therefore i am now 11st 12lbs! :D lost 5lbs in 3 weeks! :) love it! anyway this week should be good im hoping to do the wendie plan for another week then will go onto my normal 20point days :D

Wendy Plan for 18pts:

Day 1- 14 - Sat
Day 2- 19 - Sun
Day 3- 15 - Mon
Day 4- 30 - Tue :D start day
Day 5- 14 - Wed
Day 6- 18 - Thurs
Day 7- 16 - Fri

I start my day on the High day though :)

Tuesday 30points

(haven't eaten anything until 4pm ... as i had dentist i hate them so it put me off lol)

pizza - :D 13

Bun 2.5
mousse 1.5
pop 3.5
french fries 1

8.5 left .. fancy chinese butttt! i only have a little bit as always share with the mother :p ..

Chips & noodles in a tray , shared .. chips = 1/2 a bag portion in the tray then i have half of that .. so about 3.5, and then noodles half of a tray, then half of that again so about 2.5 6 to be on safe side!)


2.5 left ... hot chocolate 1

1.5 left; yog 1 cereal for crunch 0.5 :D

Wednesday - 14

porriage made with skimmed milk 3
fruit n nut mix 20g = 1.5

yog 1
10g of cereal 0.5
orange 0.5

chips 100g 2
sausages 2
beans 2.5

fruit pot 1
jelly 0

14 :)

thurs 18

Difficult day as im going out with my mom for a meal, going to pick the healthy options so will eat lowww during the day! :)

Yog 1, cereal 0,5, orange 0.5 - 2
hot chocolate 1

jelly - 0

meal - 15 points :D

Friday - 16

yog 1, cereal 0.5, orange 0.5

pocket 1.5
nuggets 1.5
bbq sauce 0.5

pasta 4
sauce 1
sausage 3

fruit pot 1
yog 0.5 (75g 2 tbsp)

15 :D

Saturday -

yog 1, apple 0.5 = 1.5

thin 1.5
spread 0.5
french fries 1

Curry 7.5
pocket 1.5

yog 0.5

Sunday - 19

Yog 1, apple 0.5 - 1.5
banana 1

pasta pot 3
banana 1

Chicken 2.5
potatoes n veg steamed 1/2 pk 1.5
yorkshire pud - x 2 - 1

fruit and nut mix - 37g = 3
yog 1.5
cereal 20g - 1

french fries 1
hot chocolate 1

19 :)

Monday - 15

Yog 1.5
Cereal 0.5
fruit and nut mix 12g - 1

pocket 1.5
french fries 1
nuggets 1
sauce 0.5

beef 2
potato n veg steamed 1.5
yorkshire x 2 - 1

fruit pot 1
yog 1.5
hot chocolate 1



bring on next week! i wanna get another 2lbs off so then i will be v close to single figures in the 11s!!! i wanna see 11st 9lbs again! my lowest ever is 11st 8lbs :D only 4lbs off that now!
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had a look on uk lady luck and it states Tagliatelle carbonara as 12points and what i'm having is Tagliatelle, slow cooked bolognaise and parmesan lol so im thinking 15 will be about right? :D
Well done on ur loss :D xx
i slipped up on sunday , as i always go to my nans of a sunday and she always puts a little few nibbles out and her being 80 i dont like saying no after shes gone to a lot of trouble (a woman who has been through a lot recently and is not very fragile) so i feel bad when i dont eat what she puts out .. really not an excuse but i do try and limit it etc!

anyway!!!! due to this ive decided to skip WI until Thursday this week and then from then on ill be a thursday WI then then gives me 3 / 4 days to undo the damage from a sunday :) hehe xxx
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