Hi Guys...
Hope you've all had a fabulous weekend!
Bren hows was your road trip? Abz how are you doing?
Well my friday night was a drunken affair its the first time I've been out with the girls since having Amalie nearly a year ago & had a drink! Was very good on the food front (atkins is dead easy to dine out on) drank red wine & vodka & slimline tonics & didn't crave anything at all... even when all the girls had pudding (including cheesecake my favourite!!)
Saturday I was a touch jaded... late night & drinking I just can't do it anymore. Went to my friends boys 7th birthday party... they had a bbq which I thought would be ideal for me except... sausages & burgers (could have breadcrumbs), the chicken had a sweet chilli sauce & the prawn kebabs were all eaten before I got up to eat... so I was very good & didn't touch anything til we got home!
Nearly out of my sero bars & shakes think I may have been relying on them too heavily & am going to try & eat less processed foods & get more creative in the kitchen!
After all that I have lost another 3 3/4 inches

arty0011: this week not bad considering 2 nights of a few glasses of the red stuff!!
Scales are back in hiding until the 31st, which also happens to be my little ones first birthday... hopefully my weigh-in will be another reason to celebrate! x