Sorry didn't get on last night, but I was in bed for 7, goosed, tom again ! 3 in 6 weeks... arrgghh !
Anyway, for those who don't know I lost 2lb last night
Looser dance YIPEE !!

Wow, I am very pleased with myself !
So that is 2.5lbs, in 6 weeks, lol, but I am still buzzin!
I have a bodyshop party tonight, and got loads of munchies for the girls, and had a cheesecake made specially for it

. I am not going to be drinking tonight, as I would much prefer cheesecake to vodka anyday !
But I have had 5 points upto now, and Im gonna starve myself so I can eat it tonight !
Well done on wl emma, 3lbs woo hoo, hope you did the looser dance!
Now gail, I was thinking, why don't you be in charge of getting all the wl results for the teams everyweek ! if you have time, Im just thinking of something positive for you to do, to keep your mind occupied, and that way, you have to come on here, even on the bad days

Which we all have them hun ! Did you not read my post yesterday with the quote that I put up for you ?
“The greatest barrier to success is the fear of failure.”
Lisa xx