Silver Member
Just to let you all know..... Lisas not gone AWOL & left the country wi a stash of body shop goodies. Her little un is not very well & she has promised she'll be back on here soon whipping our buts into shape.
Goose1 said:Hiya everyone ive been awol for a wk but ive read all the posts since then. everyone seems to be doing really well and are really in the zone which is brill . this is our year
Lisa hope your little girl feels better soon x
Emms dont worry bout the 3 lb , you are so determined it will be gone in no time x
Gail you sound in flying form and are really into it now fair play to you. Stay good till hubby gets homex
Kay you are doing great too and really encouraging everyone x
Morgen WHERE ARE YOOOOUUUU . Hope all is ok with you x x
Hopefully i get more time to myself this wk and can come on more x x
I thought it had been quite, lol.
You've had a good weight loss this week so must be pleased with that. Keep up the good work. This will be our year xxxxkayxxx
CarlyLanky140 said:Thanks KayHow was salsa chicken? Sounds yummy! X
galaxy-girl said:Hey ladies how we all doin?
I've ate far too many snack a jacks. I don't think I shud of bought jumbo ones as the bag was always open for me to sneak 1 out & now they've all gone. I think I'll buy little bags next time? What does everyone else snack on that's low in points?
Also been to pick Lauren up from MIL's. She says " Lauren tells me you don't want sweet stuff anymore" I says "yeah, wot wi Zak avin to go to dentist & stuff" haha hope she gets message I can't make it any clearer. Lol xxxxkayxxx
Cobra said:Hi All,
Cody has just gone to bed.... thank god!
So thought id whip on here, before hitting the sack myself..!
Ive read all the posts... and have to say, Im deffo gonna do the chicken coke ! Sounds fab.. !
Gwen ! OMG you gonna be a bridesmaid! We will all have to kick your ass girl ! lol
Will hopefully be back on here normally for Thursday, as Cody is not going to school tomorrow !
Oh and Im gonna do a pregnancy test in the morning! Fingers crossed xx
Lisa xx
Hey ladies how we all doin?
I've ate far too many snack a jacks. I don't think I shud of bought jumbo ones as the bag was always open for me to sneak 1 out & now they've all gone. I think I'll buy little bags next time? What does everyone else snack on that's low in points?
Also been to pick Lauren up from MIL's. She says " Lauren tells me you don't want sweet stuff anymore" I says "yeah, wot wi Zak avin to go to dentist & stuff" haha hope she gets message I can't make it any clearer. Lol xxxxkayxxx
Did u do test? X