Day 10
today i was told i look like i lost some weight
but both tellers knew i'm on diet. anyway it's great that it's notable for others aswell cuz i can tell when i look in the mirrow and my chlotes are much looser. yiiiihooo..
today i'm starting to read a book about nutrition and fitness, that will say how bad my diet is about 100 times and that i burn down my muscles instead of my fat (sounds terrible- my fat
) by doing that and etc. but i feel i really needed it as a good kick start. however- why i'm making excuses because i feel i'm doing bad to my body or what?!?!?! one of those Carrie Bredshaw's questions.
anyway, by the end of this diet i will probably be in the middle of that book and also the new guru in those questions, what i have to do and eat for a better fat loss and muscle gain. YEAH!
L. tomato, cucumber, cheese ~ 100 gr, pear, and i nashed a little from my friends greek salad- little cheese, some salad.
D. salad (letuce, chery tomatoes, cucumber, 2 slices of ham, 2 eggs, oil, lemon juice, few drops of soja souce)
gym- step'n'body, 35 min treadmill
i also feel weaker when doing exc. for abs, usually i'm pretty ok, but last few days.... hmm.. tomorrow i'll check out more cuz i have 50 min abs + back training. strange..