Oooh I've had 3 visitors - how exciting! Yayyyy Sorus The Batty has returned!

Rest assured that nothing exciting has happened in your absence - except for maybe the occasional scoop or two or boysenberry ice-cream on a Friday after school. OMG isn't that a damning indictment of my life, several weeks have passed and nothing more exciting than ice-cream has happened! Or an alternative way to think about this has just occurred to me.... isn't ice-cream just the most wonderful thing in the world! Hurrah for ice-cream!
Allie! I'm glad you've dropped by because every time I see your food photos in the take some pictures of your food thread, I admire your beautiful dinner service! I'm jealous, I want it! If you'd like to cook some dinner for me to send with the dinner service, it would be appreciated

My dishes are all in storage so we're making do with odds and ends mix and match plates.... when I say mix and match, we could actually leave out the "match" as none of them do! False advertising dontcha know!
Just got the giggles at a Sorus comment .... no offence taken but re-read your last post.... in particular
"I'm such a lightweight compared to you!" :cry: rub it in why don't you! Just call me Porky McFatPants
Anyway, enough of this! I'm still feeling very unnervingly chirpy and still haven't identified a cause. Nothing is going quite right, nothing is going terribly wrong though - so maybe I'm counting my blessings subconsciously!
Nothing much happened yesterday, I had an extremely dull food day but the plus side of that was it was all food that I could prepare in less than 10 minutes which is about the limit of my patience except when I'm cooking in bulk to freeze, then I can invest some extra time.
Hardly stopped all morning since I got up at 6, dashing hither and thither and accomplishing little! Maybe if I dashed less I'd accomplish more - but this headless chicken routine burns more calories I reckon!
Got to do some serious homework catching up with my daughter tonight either that or write a letter to wriggle her out of it for another week. They get a fair bit to do considering they're only 7 or 8 and we've been a tad lax lately. We caught up on her maths last week, it's the rest of it that's still behind. Meh! Has to be done though! She loves school and that is great, just hope it lasts for a good while yet.
Well, I must dash off again. House inspection tomorrow and although it's looking a lot better than it was this time last week, it's still as my late mum would have said a "pig sty" which personally I think is an insult to our porcine pals!
Keep on truckin' :character00182: Parp! Parp!
P.S. Today is a green day - well when isn't it these days!