OzzieMoz's Upside Down Diary!

Feeling totally better today - yayy! Didn't eat enough yesterday but having had a sneaky peek at the scales this morning, it looks like my weight is back to where it was before I was sick so I'm guessing it's just regaining all the proper fluid levels etc...

So hoping for a good day SW-wise anyway. It's pouring with rain but the upside to that is it's not so hot, just 24C so that should encourage me to get some of this housework done!

Daughter's play at school yesterday went really well and she read beautifully! Will need to get her a little treat as a reward this afternoon.

Will settle back later to read everyone else's diaries, hoping that all are doing well and keeping on track, and that life is being good! :)
Well, I didn't do any housework yesterday, in fact other than the usual to-ing and fro-ing to school and my husband's work, I didn't do much at all! Not going to burn off many pounds if I keep this level of inactivity up - I'm just feeling totally washed out and apathetic, I need a good kick up the bum!

Food-wise I was an angel or a saint ... not sure which - but I feel as if I have a nice shiney halo over my head, slightly crooked though ;) :p My husband and daughter had a takeaway, he couldn't be bothered to cook, and he moaned when he came in that I was making him feel guilty because I wasn't having any, so I just said to him, that he was choosing to feel guilty, that I wasn't doing anything to "make" him feel that way - I was quite happy to go and make myself something. He's said this several times and I've asked him not to, as it makes me feel bad for trying to do something about this weight when the reality is, what I'm doing doesn't really impact on him at all. I sort myself out. Ahhhh well, life can't be perfect all the time, just some of the time would be nice though lol :D

Daughter has her Year 2 carol service this evening, she is really looking forward to that, I've just got to go shopping for a Christmassy top for her to wear tonight - I really shouldn't leave these things to the last minute!

Anyway, hope everyone else is feeling good and doing well :)
Yesterday was another day where I stuck to the plan 100% - extra easy is really easy to stick to within the confines of my normal/average sort of day. No reason not to stick to plan today, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed that temptation doesn't strike! Having had a sneakypeek at the scales this morning, it looks like I'm half a pound down which means I have two days to shake off another half a pound so I can get my half stone thingo on Sunday! I really want that sticker!

Carol service went ever so well, I'm lucky that my girly is very tall for her age so she's always easy to spot - a few of the mums were struggling to see their younguns! She sang with plenty of gusto and a big happy grin, what more could I hope for! :D

Rain has stopped and looks like it's going to be a scorcher, which is probably good as I have a heap of washing to do.

Hope all had/are having a good day :)
It's Saturday morning and looks like a beautiful day outside, which means that its going to be stinking hot again. I might go to a big air-conditioned shopping centre and loiter there all day! Only problem is I have no money to spend and I need to avoid eateries!

Had a good day yesterday although I did end up having the same thing for lunch and dinner which probably wasn't such a good idea but tasty nonetheless. I had saved half my beany risotto for my lunch today, but Al had a fit of the lazies and decided to get a takeaway for dinner and I couldn't face slaving over a hot stove, so I just zapped my leftovers in the microwave! So on plan I stayed - yayy! go me!

My 7yo daughter made me giggle, I was threatening to steal her Freddo Frog and she said to me "but you can't mum because you're being good, but I'll let you sniff it if you like" - so kind!! :D

This weekend at some point I'm going to sort through a lot of the recipes I've found that I either like or would like to try. I want to work out a basic storecupboard list as I keep not being able to try things because I don't have all the ingredients, usually missing herbs/spices. So I'm going to work out a list that has the things that will last ages that will sit in the cupboard, things I need to buy regularly in the weekly shop and then the random extras for specific recipes. Should keep me out of mischief for a little while. Think Al is going to be glued to the tv watching cricket so I need something to do and whilst there are 101 million tasks around that I could be doing, I don't want to do them, that would be far too sensible. :p

Anyway, I'm rambling. One day I'll read back through this diary and realise that I'm a lunatic.

Hope everyone is keeping well and keeping to plan and generally having fun! WI day for me tomorrow, so I'm on the straight and narrow today!
Managed to stick to plan totally yesterday. Overall I think I've had a really good week SW-wise and not really been tempted to break it. I think there is enough flexibility with it to know that I can have the occasional treat, which for me is something silly like a Digestive biscuit (memories of home I think!).

Anyway, going to keep it short and not bore anyone that reads with too much witter, long and the short of it, my WI this morning and I've just found I've lost 2lb - woopitydooo! That means that I having now lost 8lb I should get my first sticker! Can't enter my details on bodyoptimise for another couple of hours as it's still showing as Saturday, system makes no allowance for the time difference!

Feeling really good about how I'm doing. Stick to plan and it works! A long way to go yet, but I'm getting there, slowly but surely :D
Another good day yesterday - I'm feeling positively angelic! Hoping to lose another 1lb over the coming week, and to do that I have to stay totally on track, I'm not one of those lucky people that lose 2lb plus regularly, I'm more of a plodder at 1lb a week on average and that's provided I'm an angel! So hark the herald angels sing....

Hope everyone is having a good weekend, my week is just starting and I'm melting already and it's not even 8am yet!
Up before 4 this morning, daughter (7) has a bad headache and feels sick, think it's mild heatstroke, she did a lot of running around yesterday and thinking back, I doubt she drank enough and it was roasting. Apparently, going to be hotter today! By the time she was settled and back to sleep it's not worth me going back to bed as I need to drive my stepson to work in an hour - think it's going to be a long hot tired day for me today!

Did ok with the plan yesterday during the day, it was indoor cricket again last night, so it was a quick chicken salad from Maccas afterwards. I really need to plan better for Monday evenings!

Here's hoping today is peaceful - husband is in a growly mood, so if he's like that and I'm tired, there could be fireworks :eek:
Oooh, I didn't realise I didn't get round to posting yesterday - I did log in and have a read of everyone elses diary, but forgot to write my own! I tell you, it's being married to a blonde is starting to have it's effect :p ;) :D

Little OzzieMoz (7) is back to school today, last 2 days of the year, so she doesn't want to miss them as it's all fun and games. Got her school report this morning and she is doing so well! I'm puffed up with pride!

I managed to stick to plan yesterday, in spite of them all pigging in to KFC which smelt lovely! My stepson (19) asked if it bothered me and did say he wouldn't get it again, which I thought was kind of him, but I just said to him not to worry about it, fighting the flab is my decision/my issue/my battle and to be honest the dinners I'm eating are very nice anyway!

Had a busy morning today, charging here there and everywhere and now it's time to go bring the lads home for lunch, they only work 5 minutes drive away, so they like to get back here to relax. I've got kidney bean risotto already made for my lunch, leftovers from yesterday, so a quick zap in the microwave and it's lunch time bliss!

Glad to read that there are some weightlosses happening, and awards being achieved and people seem to be coping with the run-up to Christmas. I find reading the diaries very inspiring/motivating.

Hope everyone has a good day :)
It's mid-afternoon as I write this and today has been a totally pants day and I'm thoroughly fed up.

Will stick to plan although probably won't end up having eaten enough today. Roll on bed-time when the day will be over!

Yesterday carried on pretty much as it started. Stuck to the plan though, but everything else around me crumbled :cry:

But today, is another day and it's peaceful so far so that's got to be good! Just eating blueberries and strawberries with FF yoghurt for my brekkie. The house is lovely and quiet at the moment, husband at work, daughter not yet up and stepson is god knows where, didn't come home last night, cat is sitting across my arms as I type and dog is staring at me, I'm not sure what she wants but knowing her she has awarded herself some dog-snacks just for being her!

Tomorrow is my WI day, sneaky peek at scales suggests that in spite of me being angelic all week that I may have put a pound on, so I'm going to try and wobble it off as I go about my stuff today! Fingers crossed it works! I may cut my nails too, that might get rid of a gram or two! :D
Up bright and early again, I seem to have lost the ability to have a weekend lie-in. I want it back - waaaaahhh! Upside is that everyone else is asleep, I do like it when there is no radio or t.v on and all I can hear are the birds outside. Peace will be shattered soon no doubt,but I'll enjoy it til then! :)

Just did my WI and as I thought yesterday, I've put on a pound! I'm really fed up about that as I've been good all week again. I know from past experience that this is the way it goes for me, every so often I'll randomly put on a pound or sts when it doesn't feel as if I should, so I know not to get too down-hearted, but at this early stage of the game, I would have hoped that the weight would come off a bit more easily.

Going to put my mind to it and carry on as I have been as I know it will work in the end. I might huff and puff and sulk for the next few minutes though, to get it out of my system and then be cheery later :p :D

Edit: Just had to add the pound on to my ticker and my profile details - hope it's the last time I have to do adding, but thought I should do it for the sake of honesty - boo hoo hoooo!
oh no ozzie :( never mind stick with it "she'll be right" and i'm sure you'll have a "fair dinkum" week next week. :D

I have given up on my diary takes to long to fill in, but I am being very good :D

I am filling in my own written food diary and keeping a close eye on what I am doing.

god luck for next week :D
Thanks soccermom :D @ my "fair dinkum" week :p

Hope you're having a good week - will keep an eye out for your posts to see how you're doing anyway even though you aren't doing a diary. I obviously have too much time on my hands! :eek: .... actually it's not that, I have loads to do, I just am the great procrastinator and do anything rather than what I should be doing :D
Had a quiet day yesterday, apart from a trip out to do a bit of food shopping. One thing I've noticed this time round dieting is that it really doesn't trouble me buying treats for the rest of the family that I know I can't really have. Hope that lasts! With having so much fruit around all the time, and a wide variety so I don't get bored, my daughter is actually eating a lot more fruit too which is great!

Stuck to plan yesterday. Have been copying recipes and printing them over the last few weeks and I'm going to sort them into a file today to make it easier. Sometimes I get into a bit of a rut of making the same dinners because then I don't have to think too much about planning what I'm eating, but I don't think it's good long-term. So if I have a handy recipe file then hopefully I'll give myself more variety.

Today, is younguns first official day of the school holidays and blow me, sunny Cairns is grey overcast and it looks like rain! Other than the fact it's 26C at 6.30 in the morning, you'd think I was back in UK!

Hope everyone had a good weekend and I'll be back to read the diaries later!
Hello Ozzie, I'm loving your diary. You sound so like me. And weirdly we also weigh about the same and are the same height. We will keep each other going!

If it's any consolation the weather here is beyond vile. Not Christmassy at all!

Hope you have a good week SW wise. I'm aiming for a 100% week, but am just taking one day at a time.
Hello Ozzie, I'm loving your diary. You sound so like me. And weirdly we also weigh about the same and are the same height. We will keep each other going!

If it's any consolation the weather here is beyond vile. Not Christmassy at all!

Hope you have a good week SW wise. I'm aiming for a 100% week, but am just taking one day at a time.

Thankyou for those kind words :D ... and yayyy I now have a SW partner!

Are we doing kindly support or evil nagging, I'm versatile I can do both :p Ooopsy, I see from your diary that you are a mum too, dammit a more experienced mum than me too, so you're probably better at it than me :eek: Perhaps I better toe the line after all :cry:

I was above angelic yesterday ... archangelic I suppose, trouble is I think my innards are complaining at my very fruity/vegetably green day. I usually do ExtraEasy, but that's because I'm idle and it's the closest to "normal" eating for me. Suffice to say, I think I might have a morning at home today, til things settle!

Daughter is enjoying the start of her holidays in spite of the rainy weather, should I be alarmed that she has taken to making witches brews on the patio? We have lizards and cane-toads in the garden, so she has what seem to be some of the basic ingredients :eek:

Other than my dicky stomach, I'm feeling good today, back to EE I think. I have a packet of bacon in the fridge that is calling out to me which is the deciding factor. You can't ignore the call of bacon can you, although it is easier to ignore it here than in the UK as the bacon isn't nearly as nice, but you get used to it!

Time I shuffled off and got dressed, will be time to take OH and stepson to work soon. Will be back to read more diaries later!
Lol - I think we should aim for the kindly support. Predominantly. :D

Hope your dickie tummy gets better soon. I could do with one of those actually. Not a lot happening movement-wise in the bottom department here. And it's weigh day for me tomorrow. I need things to happen!
What a pity you don't have SW classes in Australia!! That surprises me! What a good job you can use Minimins!! I'm pretty new to it, but it's such a fantastic place to find people to support and to be supported!! We are all here for pretty much the same reasons and you can learn so much from others!! These people who have lost 4, 5, 6, 7 stone etc are such an inspiration and I always get the feeling that if they can do it so can I!! Congrats on your 1/2 stone award!! I got so excited when I received mine! It's like being in Primary School again and it feels sooo good!! It's amazing how motivating a simple sticker can be!! I've got 4lb to go until I get my stone award and can't wait!! Good luck with your journey! Sounds like you're very determined and focussed and I'm sure you'll succeed!X:109:
Hi Ozziemoz, thought I'd pay your diary a visit as you had so kindly done to mine :)

You're so down to earth and funny, poking fun at yourself too lol. Your diary was a bit of an eye opener. Full credit to you for attempting sw when you don't have quorn and mullerlights! An essential part of my weekly diet for sure, but I'm glad you managed to find alternatives. Have to agree with you on products called sanitarium or whatever they were lol...I'd definitely give them a wide berth! I guess I feel the same about physalis - even if it was the tastiest fruit around (which it isn't....it resembles a kangaroo's testicle..not that I've ever seen one other than on the tv lol..!

I wonder who comes up with names for fruit? I mean, whoever thought to call a fruit an 'Ugli' fruit? Gonna get big sales of that for sure...not :D

Anyway I hope you're feeling a lot better and the weather's not too hot. Good luck with the plan, getting your half stone was great and you must have been over the moon x
hey ozzie, it sounds to me like you need a treat and a day off from cooking for being so angelic :D

I think you should go along to the raw prawn on the esplanade and have a lunch special and order the steak, its the best steak i've ever had they aren't massive portions for the special so it would be perfect.

Then have a ride up to PD and have a roasted coconut icecream for me lol
