Keep on Truckin'
Despite having a food crisis in the house, I managed to more or less stick to plan yesterday. Considering I'm doing EE, I probably didn't actually have enough fruit/veggies to technically have been good but I did my best! Today I weigh 0.0lb - which I feel is a remarkable weightloss of 182lb-ish in one day! I think I may however now be underweight! or my scales have broken
They've been on the blink for a while now, it's not the battery, I just think they're kaput! I'm dreading getting new ones though, in case they weigh me heavier! but then again, they might weigh me lighter. I can but hope!
It's a grey rainy morning. Youngun is off in an hour or so for her play day which she doesn't really want to go on now, but it's a bit rude to cancel, as my mum always used to say to me "you'll enjoy it when you get there" which almost invariably turned out not to be true! ... but then again that was usually about going to Brownies. I was an Imp incidentally, I always wanted to be an Elf ... hmmm can I blame my weight on my troubled early years as an Imp?!?
Probably not!
I've lost my train of thought now. Oh yes, shopping! Still no money, so unlikely to get any christmas shopping done today. Horror of horrors that means I have no excuse not to do some housework! Hmmm if I were an Elf I wouldn't have to do housework.... ahhhhh the sad life of the Imp! Oh woe! :cry:
On the plus side, and I am indeed a plus size, I have no food to snack on so no being naughty!
Hope everyone else is having a good day!
It's a grey rainy morning. Youngun is off in an hour or so for her play day which she doesn't really want to go on now, but it's a bit rude to cancel, as my mum always used to say to me "you'll enjoy it when you get there" which almost invariably turned out not to be true! ... but then again that was usually about going to Brownies. I was an Imp incidentally, I always wanted to be an Elf ... hmmm can I blame my weight on my troubled early years as an Imp?!?
I've lost my train of thought now. Oh yes, shopping! Still no money, so unlikely to get any christmas shopping done today. Horror of horrors that means I have no excuse not to do some housework! Hmmm if I were an Elf I wouldn't have to do housework.... ahhhhh the sad life of the Imp! Oh woe! :cry:
On the plus side, and I am indeed a plus size, I have no food to snack on so no being naughty!
Hope everyone else is having a good day!