Well Sorus, part of the reason for my need to do SW is because of his I can't be bothered to cook, let's get a takeaway plan, so we've already done the obese thing, so all that is left to me is murder! Or I could just do nothing .... but would that seem apathetic? I'd hate to seem apathetic
As for me looking a bit too sexy, I doubt that but I must confess my wobbles are starting to get a certain flow and rhythm - is that how you spell it? it's a word I always struggle with, it never looks quite right!
Yesterday, didn't go off to well with the playday. Niece who is a couple of years older than my youngun had a bit of an attitude yesterday and was taking it out on my girl, who put up with it for about 6 hours and then snapped! At which point I was totally proud of her, it's not often she stands up for herself and that is a sweet aspect of her character but one which worries me sometimes as you know you need a bit of backbone sometimes. The other thing was that when she did finally snap, she was totally polite but scathing! I was in the kitchen giggling and mentally "whooping". Was honest and told S-i-L that the day hadn't gone well but I just put it down to the age difference, but she assessed the situation correctly and said, "yes maybe, but C does have an attitude problem, and when she is in that mood she is hell" which I quietly agreed with but showed complete lack of backbone but lots of tact and didn't say anything!
Husband then cooked a big fry up for dinner - so I just shrugged and said I would cook for myself. I really couldn't face it, so I had a banana, a particularly nice one though. Today, I had better eat properly though as longterm I know skipping meals will come back to bite my proverbial bum, I think my proverbial bum is smaller than my real bum though - or at least I hope it is!
Today is going to be an EE day and I am going to cook something new for my lunch! I have a big folder full of recipes I've printed and I'm going to pick one! I might even go crazy and do something new for my dinner too, although I actually am hoping my OH cooks something nice for dinner as I really hate cooking, I'm quite good at it, just hate it!
Going to have a harmless day today (Plan A) and all we are going to do is to count up my daughter's change pot - we give her loose change mainly 5c, 10c and 20c coins. Every few months when it starts to look full-ish, we count it up and bag it, pay half into her bank account and spend the other half. She loves doing this! Only problem is it takes her
ages to decide what to buy, but we have to spend it that day and go round and round and round the shops, contemplating various combinations, of the "if I have this and this, could I have that too? or if I had that and this would I have money for this?" Steam eventually comes out my ears and my head explodes on days like this! But she's happy!
Anyway, I better go and get my breakfast and a cup of tea and contemplate some diaries! Three cheers for SW - hurrah hurrah hurrah!