Good Lord - I thought I'd lost my diary! Now I confess to being a tad untidy at home, but my computer I keep well organised, so imagine my horror when my diary had disappeared! Page 2 I tells ya and half way down that to boot! Also means I have a heap of diaries to read, looks like it might be a 2 cuppa job!
Anyway, to business!
Today, I'm going to take down the Christmas decorations, well it's only the tree really, but that's a job in itself and I'm probably best to do it before youngun gets up, or she'll want to help which is a scary prospect as it would involve detailed discussion of every single decoration on the tree, it's individual merits, and comparisons with others. "which do you prefer out of......" is a phrase which strikes dread in my heart, as the conversation then usually lasts hours! I'm a mean mum, she's really lovely!
Re, the job hunting Bren, I'm going to sort out my CV/resume in the next few days and then start seriously looking. Might have to go see a recruitment agency to find out more about the state of work here as I'm just not seeing jobs I really want to do advertised. It's a bit of a shock to the system going from working in a large city to working in what is effectively quite a small town, but I'll find something

I hope!
Yesterday was a mad day, I spent all day to-ing and fro-ing not just to OH work, but also had a pointless trip to the bank and back, and to the library and back! Daughter has become a country bumpkin and keeps forgetting to put on shoes when we go out!
Plan-wise I was back on the EE yesterday. I don't think I eat enough syns and I don't always remember to have my HE B thingies. A's I always have because of skimmed milk in tea and quite often a bit of cheese in or on my dinner, but B's not so good at! I'm a bit off bread at the moment, if I have cereal, then that uses up too much of my milk allowance, but I have read that if you don't use your syns let alone your HEXs then you don't lose weight so well .... maybe that is my problem, as other than in gravy sometimes or for a little bit of butter in the mash or on toast on days when I have bread then I rarely use them. I think I need to re-read the bumph and plan a bit better.
Just had a lovely bowl of strawberries, blueberries, grapes and FF yoghurt for breakfast. I think it will be jacket potato and beans with mushrooms for lunch and then dinner will be .... I dunno, that's hours away, dinner will be something else!

See, planning, not my forte!
Time to go peg out a load of washing then sit back and read all these diaries! I may not post in other people's diaries much but I do read them all each and every day! Good luck to everyone, hope you all sleep well and have a good day tomorrow!