Hi Sarah, thank you for coming, I've never had a garden before and we just moved in together and ave a beautiful huge garden which is already sorted but still needs weeding and looking after, I am hoping to change one or two things whilst I'm here though. I've bought some solar lights for the steps up to the garden and I found a solar mushroom at the pound shop which is really cute in my flower bed. I'm growing some sunflowers for the back fence, to break it up a bit but I'm going to have to cut a small flower bed as it's grass up to the bottom of the fence.
Do you know any tips to get rid of cats? The two next door keep using my garden as a toilet

Also I seem to have grass weeds growing inside bushes (flower ones) and I have no idea how to remove them without damaging the actual plant!
Hows both your weeks going? On plan?
WI tonight!