Perhaps this is a great idea. =)

This has all been a lot easier than I thought it would be. I haven't felt hungry at all! I smell my favorite foods, and I am happy for the smell but it doesn't make my stomach turn or me want to immediately stop the diet and eat. I miss resistance on my teeth the way chicken and burgers get, but not enough to actually eat and destroy my progress. There have been times when I see food, and think just 1 bite... and all it takes is single mental, "No. You're not even hungry!" before I turn away and don't give it a second thought.

I guess, it's an accomplishment for me to beat in mind when inevitably me rapid weight loss slows. Also, it's a bit of a comfort. I see so many people struggling, and some even eating and breaking diet, and I feel how lucky I am that I am not hungry, or else have better willpower than I ever thought myself capable of. I want to use it to encourage other people - hey, if I (who is absolutely in love with food - the smell, the feel, the taste, the blending, cooking..) can do this, then definitely so can you!!
well done or your loss....its great when you have a big one its keeps you wanting to loose more...!!! shame you cant have the same stuff as us.....i would offer to post it on but would cost a bomb in postage(ooops shipping even !!!!!!) you bloody americans and your weird wording!!!!!
Hey, don't group me in with the yanks! I say postage most often. ;) If the chicken curray chili type stuff is as good as I hear, I might pay for the postage!
Well done on your lose!!!! congratulations!!!

And well done for getting through the ups and (mostly)downs of the first week...i was lucky enough to be able to stomache most of the flavours..even the ones i didn't like were bearable so i can't imagine the troubles you have had...And you stuck to it!!!!!!!

WELL DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks, Jakki! Once I discovered the joys of ice and orange extract the french vanilla became tolerable and almost tasty! I can't wait for my soups to arrive - I've already bought the curray powder and herbs!! :D
Frustrated today!!! Weighed in and I'm only 1/2 a lb down from Thursday. Even with totm, that still seems like very little. At this rate, only 1 lb this week! I knew it would slow down from 13 - but by THAT M UCH?! Yuck!!
Found great products for when I'm on maintenance program - and they sell the line in my grocer so I don't have to pay the extra shipping fees!

Online Store

Everything (except acid, natch, and soduim) free!
Hey Hun,
Dont worry about the loss and loss is a loss.....and you will make it up . TOTM is always a dodgy one lol.

Taz x
Thanks taz! I'm looking elsewhere at the moment. Like - I'm at TOTM but my stomach is SMALLER than it has been! :D So I must be losing!

I got a new dress, new jeans, new pants, a new bra, and new shoes!!! And the jeans - not only did they fit, but they fit a size SMALLER than the size which used to be too tight!!!!!!!!! AND AND AND I fit into JUNIORS jeans not WOMENS jeans!! So a Juniors size translates to me being MUCH smaller inches wise!!! WAHOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And am now past the stone mark for weight loss. :D
I'm more proud of myself for not cheating today than other days. I ahd a cooking class on tomato recipes today, and they all were tasting each recipet. It's 1 thing to turn down a meal and say, "Not worth it." But do you guys know how hard it is to turn down a small sample bite of this delicious and mostly healthy tomato food? It's so easy that I ALMOST justified the sample by saying a bite wouldn't hurt.

Nope - you don't need a medical note and there's no CDC either. You order right online. The FFL - Food for life - is servings of 110 calories per serving with the vitamins and minerals. I don't know all the differences between the diets, but there's a thread up in the forum regarding the CD USA - it's a sticky.
Awesome - I always tell myself that being good is more pleasurable than eating. Once I eat, I will knock off my progress and feel so guilty. If I resist, I can be happy with myself, stay in ketosis, and the long term skinny me will be MUCH MUCH more satisfying than the immediate taste of the food.
Am I the only one who likes to smell the food? I just stuck my nose in the leftover BBQ Chicken to enjoy the smell of it.
Today has just been blah. I've had to be very hard on myself in order to not just give up, and part of the reason I haven't is because I already paid for the food. I still have only lost 2lb on the week - so none in the past couple days - and I'm scared I'm out of ketosis. I haven't cheated and I didn't think extracts would knock me out, but what else could it be?

TOTM could be but it sucks too. :-\ It's so frustrating and discouraging and just AAARRRGGGHHH!!!!

Thank God that I have: a great best friend AND an economist's mind, thought pattern, and degree path (in that I will eat what I have spent so much on). Also thank God I'm rational enough with myself to at LEAST wait until I see how much I lose next week, when TOTM is finished.

I got a new dress, new jeans, new pants, a new bra, and new shoes!!! And the jeans - not only did they fit, but they fit a size SMALLER than the size which used to be too tight!!!!!!!!! AND AND AND I fit into JUNIORS jeans not WOMENS jeans!! So a Juniors size translates to me being MUCH smaller inches wise!!! WAHOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And am now past the stone mark for weight loss. :D

new pants??? dodgy american talk ?????trousers or knickers??!!!!!!!!!