It really helps to analyse what triggers the cheating doesnt it ? and hopefully this is something I will take with me when im maintaining
there is just no way I could do this diet on the shakes alone so I really admire you if youre able to do that , luckily the meals always satisfy me and yes it does feel like eating proper meals , but thats what I like about it
I cant have cheese or ham in the house at all , my son for the time being has to have cheese spread and peanut butter in his sandwiches for packed lunch otherwise some days im making numerous trips to the fridge for just another small slice , and another , and another
I have started cooking in bulk his whole weeks evening meals at the weekend and freezing them , so there is practically nothing for me to pick at in the fridge
my latest obsession is raisins and everytime I open the cupboard I want to grab a handful so Im debating how to avoid that temptation at the moment, not open the cupboard lol
as you can tell my will power is pretty non existent at times which is why I have to employ so many tactics
If I still lived with a partner I really dont think I would be able to do it , luckily my son is only 5 and he is not at all fussy , he eats healthily and pretty much whatever i give him
He has a snack box with cereal bars , go ahead biscuits etc in and he loves frozen yogurts and fruit, we dont have chocolate or crisps in the house at all. So his diet has improved too and he is learning about healthy alternatives to junk foods
Its a good job this diet is so flexible , ive chopped and changed it around constantly in an attempt to keep on the straight and narrow
Im finding it harder than I did in the beginning but i think thats becasue I now only need to lose 1 and a half stone and not 3 and a half
As I get nearer to goal I dont feel the urgency to lose it as i feel much better about my body now , which is good , but also bad
still it took me about 15 years to gain it ,even if it takes a year to lose it , I will lose it