Pheonix's Diary

Today is a new day Slinky , if you have read my whole diary you will see that I am probably the worst vlcder the world has ever seen lol
I used to beat myself up everytime over my blips but now I try to learn something new from each one and im finding out so much about my relationship with food , the wheres and whys of it and slowly but surely I feel things changing in my brain

you have to forgive yourself , learn from it and start again , we all love a trier
Well done on the shakes regime Phoenix. I 'might' join you on Monday but now that I've had a loss there feels less of an incentive to do shakes only. I have a similar thought process to you:

1. Scales are going down so carry on, but sometimes that encourages me to have a little 'extra' cos I'm doing ok
2. Scales are not going down so I may as well have something else / try another diet as what I'm doing isn't working OR Scales are not going down so I have to shake thinks up a bit (pun intended ;)) and try something like shakes only to get decent results.

You actually got my head in gear a bit yesterday as you asked me when my losses had plateaued. When I looked I didn't have any what I call really crap losses until Feb. Since 9th Nov I didn't have any weeks below 2lbs apart from the week before Xmas where I was picked at bits and bobs at work etc. as there was food everywhere and even then I lost over a pound. I'm perfectly happy with 2lbs or more now given how much I've got to go. Feb was when things started to go a bit rubbish as I had a -0.4 and a -0.8 with a -3.2 in between those weeks, and then a gain when I had the weekend off last weekend. So really I just had 2 crap weeks and a meltdown and had really let it get out of proportion in my head. So thanks for posing that question as it definitely helped me to put things into perspective again!
Glad to help
I have the same problem , I have a bad month like losing 4lb , and get so pi**ed off, and I need to stop comparing myself to other people , I could actually be fairly happy at the weight I am now , but lose another stone and ill be ecstatic, so Im so close now and Im comparing myself to people who have much more to lose , Id be very happy with 2lb a week

and anyway losing 4lb is so much better than gaining 4lb and I know how easily that can happen

I guess this is why they call it a "journey"
Hi Phoenix, just read your diary. You've had struggles but the main thing is you keep trying & your doing well xo

Sent by Mrs Cupcake to be <3
You're right Phoenix, it's easy to compare losses of others, but you are fairly near where you want to be weight wise. It's all individual and every lb counts.

At least it is moving downwards for you and as you said 4lbs off is far better than 4lb on. Or STS. x
Hi Phoenix, it's best not to compare your losses to others as everyone is at different stages of their weight loss. I started S&S the same week as my mum starting WW. I lost 12lbs and she lost 1.5lbs but I told her that I had over 5 stone to lose and she only needs to lose 1. As a percentage she probably did better, it's not just the numbers that you need to take into account.
Well done on coming this far, I can't wait til I'm in your position!! x
I realise that , Im not going to lose in a week what someone who is 5 stone overweight will lose
But I think comparing is human nature especially when you are having a difficult time
Yes it def is and I do it too! I Broke down my weight loss into % before I started so I wouldn't get hung up on numbers, it didn't work for me though sadly!
well Ive just switched to weekly weighing instead of daily , in the hope of breaking my obsession with the numbers lol
how long that will last is anybodys guess but we have to keep trying these things :)
You're a stronger person than I for being able to weigh weekly! I'd like to think I could do it, but everytime I walk past the scales I am stood on them staring down at the numbers before I've even thought about getting on them! It's like second nature.
I really really really wanted to get on them this morning and it was hard to walk away but im glad i did
I only ever weighed myself once a day anyway , first thing in the morning , so once ive come downstairs and had my first coffee , the urge has passed for another day

only have to resist twice more then i can weigh myself on wednesday, if i havnt lost ill be gutted :-(

well i knew yesterday would be tough , saturday is my hardest day and i predicted i wouldnt be able to stick to shakes only
had 1 shake 2 meals , no veg , 1 bar
going to try for 2 shakes 1 meal today
i find it easier just to have shakes on weekdays , its a psychological thing , dont we all think we deserve a treat on the weekend lol
I think your in for a good loss this week can't wait for Wednesday :)
Well in theory Phoe meals vs shakes shouldn't make any difference (but you know what theories are like!). You must have lost. I'll be gutted for you if you haven't. Does it make you more committed to the diet not knowing what the scales are doing on the basis that if you have lost you mustn't blow it, and if you haven't you must stay on track to make sure you do?
Im not really sure , its more about anticipation and pressure , I feel like if Im good all week , actually it would be 9 days since I weighed myself , then Ill be rewarded with a decent loss , Im putting my faith in the diet working rather than checking its working every day

Im also cancelling out the thought processes that go through my head when i daily weigh , that i mentioned earlier

Its strange becasue Ive removed the pressure of knowing my weight everyday but replaced it with the pressure of anticipation for wednesday

if i havnt lost on wednesday and assuming i stay on track between now and then , I really have no clue what to do
yeah i know what you are saying about meals having same contents as shakes , it was more about removing food for a while and the temptation to pick , and the bars triggering me to crave more too

Like i said I never have a shake and then think I could have another one straight away ,like I do with the bars

but I think Ive sussed the bar thing out , because Ive put them in my garage and I go and get one out every day , if i have a bar its always quite late , about 10pm , even if I wanted another one , I would have to go outside in my pjs , back my car out of the garage to get to them ,then put my car back , and Im inherently lazy lol so Im not going to do that , so thats how Ive managed that temptation
Sounds as if you're doing well this week and with only 1s to go, I think you'll get there in no time if you keep up what you're doing at the moment. I look forward to your wi on Thursday xc
Yeah, I know what you mean about not craving the shakes. I never want another pack, but I do want another bar (always have one at lunchtime) and sometimes temptation gets the better of me and I have another one in the evening. After all, we all deserve a little evening treat don't we! ;)
maybe you should move your bars into the garage and just have the shakes and meals then
its not necessarily what the bars contain , its what they trigger in me and once that switch gets flicked I cant stop , even my sons snack box isnt safe when that happens :)