PogMoma's Diary

What I'm doing is a blurry line between phase 2 and 3. In the long run I think it might suit me better cos I feel losing really quickly and reaching target, then building new foods into my diet and potentially not sticking strictly to the rules may make my weight fluctuate wildly and make me feel demotivated and worried that I might gain the weight again.

Blurry lines are good... At the end of the day we have to learn how to deal with food and our eating habits when we move to Stab.

I don't know what it was but I "needed" pie.

I think I am going to "need" some alcohol and chocolate this weekend (Sat night). We are going to my favorite buffet restaurant and I will not be able to say no... Its my blurry line between Cruise and Conso :p

Inches is fine also :) It's a good motivator if you don't see any changes in weight but you're still losing inches. The amount of times I've stalled or even gained weight but went down in measurements... I find cms works better for me because it's more accruate in my head than saying 2.5inches or 1.25 inches.

I'm not sure if I can get down to 57kg but I didn't know what to aim for and that's why I'm doing the measurements as well.

All my adult life I've been 55-57kg (lowest being 53kg but I felt a bit faint then. 54kg seems like my lowest limit) but I started gaining mid 2010 and since then I've hit my heaviest of 72kg twice. I've realised that's when size 14s start to become uncomfortably tight but I refuse to buy 16s and it motivates me to start dieting again lol The first time I lost weight in 2011 I got down to 60kg on Dukan but didn't Consol so it just crept up again. That was in between size 10 and 12.

I just want to fit back into my old size 10s. Back then I thought I needed to lose weight, now I just wish I could go back to it!

I'd be happy if I went down to a size 10 even if it means I'm heavier than 57kg :)

What do you reckon, doable? :p

Although I know cms are more accurate I still measure in inches - cant visualize cms :rolleyes:.

and yes doable! If not the weight the size fer sure!!! We are going to get there this time and keep it off!
Yes, we are going to get there and stay there :D

Hope you enjoy your meal at your favourite restuarant. Savour everything! x
Evening Pog, hope you've had a good day :)

I've just been outside to get some fresh air and thought I'd pop into M&S to try some work trousers on. My current ones are getting really baggy around the waist and the back of my thighs so I was wondering whether they're getting stretched or whether I was actually losing the inches. It's like an optical illusion cos my weekly inch losses weren't that big so I'm confused. Anyway turns out that my current pair haven't stretched and I'm in between sizes 12 and 14. 12s are a bit too tight to be comfortable and size 14s are a bit too loose. I think I'll stick to wearing my one pair of size 14 work trousers until I can fit into my 12s comfortably. It's all good cos at some point my current pair were tight!

Going up the stairs at work isn't getting any easier. Some of the people in the team were talking about continuing even after Easter but not for me. I don't want to get to the office all hot and sweaty lol I've always walked down them so I'll continue doing that for sure :p

Although blurry lines are good and all, I'm frustrated that it's going so slowly. What do I do? Maybe I need to get a grip and just stick to it 100%. ARGH.

Gym tonight. Haven't been in a while.
Ey up!
I've just had a catch up on your diary and you're doing so well!
However, I think I would murder your flatmate :)
I need pie all the time - I could live on pie, for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
M&S sizing is rubbish, it even varies amongst the same item. I order a lot online and it drives me potty.
Hi Pog, that's good about the trousers - even though you haven't gone down a full size you're obviously shrinking! Well done on keeping the stairs up for this long! I can see why you don't want to carry on after easter though especially now it's getting hotter. Hope you enjoy the gym tonight X
Ey up!
I've just had a catch up on your diary and you're doing so well!
However, I think I would murder your flatmate :)
I need pie all the time - I could live on pie, for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
M&S sizing is rubbish, it even varies amongst the same item. I order a lot online and it drives me potty.

Hey Mandy, good to see you back :)

Yea my flatmate can be annoying like the but I've had so much worse so trying not to complain too much.

I thought my favourite form of potato was chips but I'm pretty sure it's mash. Sucker for it :D

I find all sizings these days frustrating. I took in two different types of big standard straight leg trousers and they fit similarly to my current work trousers so I think in that sense I can compare and be relieved that I am shrinking. I just couldn't tell if my current ones have stretched or not lol x
Hi Pog, that's good about the trousers - even though you haven't gone down a full size you're obviously shrinking! Well done on keeping the stairs up for this long! I can see why you don't want to carry on after easter though especially now it's getting hotter. Hope you enjoy the gym tonight X

Hi Clareel, even walking back and forth to work is getting hot and sweaty now, I have to walk slower.

I want to shrink quicker so badly lol I don't want to keep hopping from one diet to another but I keep wondering if I'm doing the right thing. I've got some stuff I want to read up online so I'll report back after that.

Currently on the sit down bike at gym :) x
I know what you mean Pog, it is frustrating when you're really trying and not seeing the results you want but at least you're trying and just think if you'd never started where you would be now. I think you're doing a great job :) X
WI - week 7

68.6kg (-0.3)

Body fat: 44.6% (-%)
Muscle mass: 21.8% (-0.1%)
Chest: 99cm (-)
Left arm: 28cm (-)
Right arm: 28cm (-)
Waist: 82cm (-1)
Belly: 103cm (-)
Hips: 104cm (-)
Left thigh: 58cm (-)
Right thigh: 59cm (-)
Left calf: 38cm (-)
Right calf: 38cm (-)

Total 1cm loss (total 21cm so far)

Slowly slowly. Bit worrying my body fat hasn't changed and muscle has gone down a bit. I suppose the lack of gym is the reason for that. Need to go more often. Waist cm loss explains my work trousers feeling loose. Lowest kg I've been in a while tho, woohoo!

I was walking up the stairs this morning thinking 'Got to get this done, only one more week of this' and not looking at the floors. Before I knew it I'd ended up on the sixth floor! What? I work on the fifth! DOH. Definitely easier than yesterday morning. The more I do any sort of exercise, the easier the stairs seem. Ahhh maybe that's why I struggled this week with the stairs cos I haven't been to the gym in a while.

I read something yesterday that's been playing on my mind a lot. Will gather thoughts and post later.

It's Friday!!! :) x
Yesterday I was reading through Vic's entire diary (as you do) and came across carb cycling. From what I understand, it's basically like the 5:2 but with carbs. You have low carb days and high carb days. Then I came across this link; Precision Nutrition » Carb controversy: Why low-carb diets have got it all wrong..

I started reading it because I wanted to see what had to be said about why low carb diets are bad cos cutting out whole food groups can't be that good in the long run, right? Then I read the bit about the thyroid...

End of 2012 I had a full body check up (which I do regularly) and they said my thyroid levels are borderline underactive. For some reason this shocked and worried me a lot cos they say underactive thyroids make you gain weight. They said there's nothing I can do about it, but come back later for another blood test. Then around mid last year I had my blood tested again and they said it's come back to normal so I don't need to worry about it.

Then I read that article.

Before my full body check up I had done Dukan for 5-6 months and tried to keep the carbs low cos I thought that's what worked for me. Was that the cause of my decreased thyroid?

According to the article they talk about low carb being 70-100g of carbs a day. I've just looked at MFP for the days when I have been logging my food and I'm doing average 50-60g days. Sometimes 100g but sometimes as low as 20-30g.

Between the check up and the blood test last year, the only thing I did differently was that I ate anything. Not binge and pig out as such but I didn't restrict any food groups. Then miraculously my thyroid came back to normal. Coincidence?

If low carb diets were the cause of my thyroid acting weirdly I need to stop right away! But how do I know if that's the case? How messed up is it tho, you lose weight on low carb diets and you get decreased thyroid which makes you gain weight so it's a constant battle to lose weight or even maintain?

That one article really shook me. My gut feeling says I need to get off low carb diets. Overall health is more important than being slightly overweight. But then what do I do now? I still want to lose weight. Minefield I tells ya.

I'm going to read up on this carb cycling and see what it's about. Meanwhile I think I'm going to do Dukan PV plus some healthy carbs.

Any ideas or advice welcome. I feel a bit down at the mo... :(
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Morning Pog, sorry I'm only just seeing this and sorry to hear you are feeling down :( That's really interesting about the carb cycling and the effect low carb could have on your thyroid! You're so right when you say that health is more important than weight loss but it doesn't stop us wanting to lose weight does it!?

I think your plan to introduce some healthy carbs is a good one, at least until you decide if you want to make a change. I'm not really sure what to suggest in terms of other diets because there's just so many and I think they all work to an extent, but it's just about finding what's right for you. Whatever you decide to do there's plenty of support here and I wish you the best of luck!

Hi Pog, I'm no expert but it would seem that you're proof that the article is correct. The only way to prove it completely would be to do it again, but that would mean messing with your health long term. Personally I don't think any diet that cuts out a complete food group can be healthy in the long term and I would definitely introduce a few more carbs if you're sticking with Dukan.
Hope you're having a good weekend x
Thanks Clareel, I'm feeling a lot better than yesterday. I had a chat with my friend who I talk to about diets a lot and I've made up my mind not to do extreme low carb diets from now on.

I have ordered a couple of books on carb cycling but I couldn't wait so I've been reading up online and have bought a short book on my Kindle. I haven't read much yet but basically what they say is that by having low carb, high carb and off plan days, you're letting your body do its thing, recover and repair and so on and it's sustainable because you're not restricted as you would be on other low carb diets. Also carb cycling is more effective and better for your body in the long run, even though other low carb diets would show quicker weight loss to begin with. It's basically eating healthy foods and cutting out refined carbs.

I think that's the overall idea behind it. Will have to finish reading the books first to know more.

Anyway not all is lost. I'll just eat sensibly in the meantime. We're going to Spain on Saturday for a week so I'm going to take a break from all the dieting malarkey and start fresh when we get back.

I will still keep coming on here to read up on other people's diaries to keep me in check. I feel like a weight has been lifted off my chest. I must have been more stressed and worried than I realised.

Phew that's that then! Enjoy the rest of your weekend x
Hi Pog, I'm no expert but it would seem that you're proof that the article is correct. The only way to prove it completely would be to do it again, but that would mean messing with your health long term. Personally I don't think any diet that cuts out a complete food group can be healthy in the long term and I would definitely introduce a few more carbs if you're sticking with Dukan.
Hope you're having a good weekend x

Thanks Mandy. I totally agree with you on the cutting out complete food groups. I must stop messing about with the food I put in my body and just be sensible.

Hope you're enjoying your weekend too x
I'm so pleased your feeling better, in all the time you've been on here I've never known you to sound fed up.
Carb cycling sounds really interesting, I'm going to have a read about it too. You seem to have sorted out your plan of action, be sensible this week, have a fab holiday *jealous* then get cracking when you get back.
Enjoy the rest of your weekend x
We seem to be posting real time :D

I was ok until I read about the thyroid thing, it really shook me. My mum is quite slim and my sister is naturally very thin and is always trying to gain weight (so unfair) and I've always been the one with the curves. It's not until the recent few years I've been overweight and it's really annoying. Having said that, my mum and my sister have always had high cholesterol whereas my levels were always normal. I was proud that I was 'healthy' until the weight gain so when they said my thyroid was borderline underactive, it was a real shock for me and they couldn't say why it happened. If that article is true, it's all my fault.

Anyway I'm really looking forward to Spain. Hopefully going to return relaxed and ready to crack on with getting back to normal and get my head down with studying too :) x
Pog don't be blaming yourself for thyroid etc, sounds like whatever happened that caused it to be low has righted itself anyway. A holiday to Spain sounds absolutely fantastic and exactly what you need at the minute! Where about are you going? I do love Spain (especially the sun, tapas and sangria lol). Hope you have a fabulous time and can really relax :)
Thanks Clareel, I'm just glad the levels are back to normal and hopefully I haven't undone it in the last couple of months.

We're going to this place near Estepona, someone has a timeshare which was going empty this year so we said we'll take it. It's this resort type villa place and the reviews look really good. I've never been on a holiday which involves just resorts/pools etc, usually it's city breaks and/or lots of walking around going to see things. We're renting a car so we're going to drive to Gibraltar for a day trip but I think we're going to have lots of lazing around the pool reading and walking on the beach (I hope!). Maybe we'll get bored and decide to visit one of the surrounding towns/cities. We'll take it as it comes :)

Scales are up this morning to 68.9kg or 69.8kg (I can't remember lol) which is probably due to the wheat & rye bread I introduced since Friday evening. Not going to dwell on the numbers showing on the scales but will be interesting to see the changes.
I cant believe it! Not you too :p!

Just kidding... we all have to figure out what works best for us. And what keeps us happy (in the short and long run).

Don't we just love the Atkins forum? I read up on Vics diary and all her snippets of info about carbs etc. Also seriously thought about carb cycling at one point - till I realized - we do it with Dukan (PP low carb, PV high carb!). So didnt bother... :p

Are you in Spain now? Hope you enjoying your break and see you when you get back xx

p.s. dont think I didnt notice you started on the bread before me :D