PogMoma's Diary

Lazing round the pool sounds sensational! Hope you have a fab time Pog and try not to worry about anything just chill and enjoy your break - you deserve it :)
I cant believe it! Not you too :p!

Just kidding... we all have to figure out what works best for us. And what keeps us happy (in the short and long run).

Don't we just love the Atkins forum? I read up on Vics diary and all her snippets of info about carbs etc. Also seriously thought about carb cycling at one point - till I realized - we do it with Dukan (PP low carb, PV high carb!). So didnt bother... :p

Are you in Spain now? Hope you enjoying your break and see you when you get back xx

p.s. dont think I didnt notice you started on the bread before me :D

Yerp I'm afraid so. I think it must be working for me so far. Oddly enough, scales showed 68.5kg, my lowest ever yet. It did go up a little bit initially but I was quite surprised by the drop this morning. Dunno, might be a fluke.

I was on the Atkins forum briefly when I tried it, spying on the diaries and I love it. I initially thought the same - PP/PV = high carb/low carb but then again Dukan doesn't allow starch, grains, carby veg and things like that. The overall carb level is much lower too.

Anyway I've received one of my carb cycling books today and the other one is supposed to arrive tomorrow. Lots of reading up to do. Holiday reading?

Spain is this Saturday to next Saturday, can't wait! :)

P.S. Hahaha guilty! Soooo good tho! x

B: fruit salad
Starbucks grande triple shot caramel macchiato (OH coughing kept me up all night, think managed two hours of sleep)
L: Mini fish & chips, fried pork belly, coke
D: wheat & rye bread, flora, chicken, mayo
Jasmine tea, peppermint tea

I totally forgot I had lunch with a work friend today so it was a bit off plan but portion sizes were just right. Not too much, not too little. Thought two starters would be better than one main as I wasn't that hungry.

Packed lunch was brought home to have for dinner.

Gym - sit down bike, rowing machine then someone from work walked in and caught me off guard, put me off and that was the end of the gym :( He used to play rugby and is super fit and for some reason I felt so self conscious I just left :( I knew he lived nearby but I had no idea he used the same gym. Of all the gyms around... OH went swimming while I was in the gym, he hadn't been in a while and said he enjoyed it. FitBit 13,280 steps so far.
OMG that lunch sounds lush I love belly pork :drool: well done on getting to the gym, sorry the guy put you off though :( I'm like that when working out, have to be totally comfortable or not at all. Well done on lots of steps though :)
Yep the lunch was really nice. If you're ever near Liverpool Street station and you're stuck for somewhere to eat, there's a place called The Merchant just opposite Boots on the train platform level. Portions were tiny as they were starters but just enough for me. My friend was struggling to breath after she finished her whole main!

Now I'm scared, well not literally scared, but worried I might bump into that work guy again. It's the first time I've gone on a Monday so hopefully Monday is his day? I usually go Tuesdays and Thursdays... Dammit, maybe I'll have to start going to the Whitechapel one :(
Yerp I'm afraid so. I think it must be working for me so far. Oddly enough, scales showed 68.5kg, my lowest ever yet. It did go up a little bit initially but I was quite surprised by the drop this morning. Dunno, might be a fluke.

I was on the Atkins forum briefly when I tried it, spying on the diaries and I love it. I initially thought the same - PP/PV = high carb/low carb but then again Dukan doesn't allow starch, grains, carby veg and things like that. The overall carb level is much lower too.

Anyway I've received one of my carb cycling books today and the other one is supposed to arrive tomorrow. Lots of reading up to do. Holiday reading?

Spain is this Saturday to next Saturday, can't wait! :)

P.S. Hahaha guilty! Soooo good tho! x

It's great that the scale is moving in the right direction... what you doing must be working! You have been off pure Dukan for a few days now so may not be a complete fluke... WI is tomorrow right? Let's see what it brings.

Carb cycling for holiday reading? Oh you need a good ol Mills & Boon to keep you going :p (god I have not read one in ages!).

Personally I am scared to go down the Atkins route on the carb counts (you know, minus fiber and stuff and just net carbs)... Except for my Sat blow out, I have been sticking to between 25 and 40 carbs on PP days and around 70 on PV days so quite happy. Cutting out dairy completely did that!

I feel you on the gym front. One of the reasons I workout at home (the other being I'm too lazy to dress and drive there and change and workout and shower etc. etc. :p)
Mmm I will remember that one Pog, sometimes meet OH at Liverpool street station as one of his work's offices is there so will keep it in mind!

Maybe his gym days are M,W,F etc, and you've missed him going on a Tuesday, Thursday? Fingers crossed anyway as you have been doing so well, would be nice not to see him again!

Have a good day :)
It's great that the scale is moving in the right direction... what you doing must be working! You have been off pure Dukan for a few days now so may not be a complete fluke... WI is tomorrow right? Let's see what it brings.

Carb cycling for holiday reading? Oh you need a good ol Mills & Boon to keep you going :p (god I have not read one in ages!).

Personally I am scared to go down the Atkins route on the carb counts (you know, minus fiber and stuff and just net carbs)... Except for my Sat blow out, I have been sticking to between 25 and 40 carbs on PP days and around 70 on PV days so quite happy. Cutting out dairy completely did that!

I feel you on the gym front. One of the reasons I workout at home (the other being I'm too lazy to dress and drive there and change and workout and shower etc. etc. :p)

I started eating bread last Friday evening and other stuff since then too. WI is Friday so we shall see. Good timing to compare and then we're off Saturday.

I found it too time consuming trying to figure out what carb level my body was ok with so I packed it in. I nearly got too obsessed! Oohh dairy can so easily add up quickly.

Haha I have other books on my Kindle too, romance and crime as well so plenty to choose from :p

I've been meaning to work out at home but it's just so easy to slouch on the sofa and not get up lol Also whenever I bring my weighted hula hoop out, my OH takes it apart and puts it somewhere again. Annoying!
Mmm I will remember that one Pog, sometimes meet OH at Liverpool street station as one of his work's offices is there so will keep it in mind!

Maybe his gym days are M,W,F etc, and you've missed him going on a Tuesday, Thursday? Fingers crossed anyway as you have been doing so well, would be nice not to see him again!

Have a good day :)

It's probably the only eat-in place left in and around Liverpool Street station now apart from Starbucks and Camden Food. Oh and McDonalds :D

If you buy food quite a lot at London train stations it might be worth checking out the Bite Card. Quite a few food chain places take it and usually the discount is 10-25%. I think at The Merchant it must be 20-25%, can't remember.

Yea... I'm hoping the same re my work mate's gym days. If I bump into him again I shall ask!

Hope you're having a good day too, will pop over to your diary in a mo x
Hey Pog, you're sounding in good form!
Your holiday sounds lovely, bet you're getting excited.

Thanks Mandy, I feel a lot better now that I've decided to come off Dukan. It's stopped me worrying about thyroid problems.

I can't wait for my holiday, it should be good but only as long as my OH's cold/cough goes away in time!
Will check out that bite card sounds good! :)

B: fruit salad, EAT small matcha latte
L: Haz - grilled chicken with yogurt and tomato sauce on a bed of bread bits and chilli sauce, coke, milk pudding with cinnamon
Birthday cake, Nescafe coffee mix, peppermint tea
D: only if I'm hungry - wheat & rye bread with egg & mayo

Boss's 50th birthday lunch with the whole team. We decorated her desk with balloons and confetti and surprised her with a birthday cake after the main lunch meal. She went bright red when they brought the cake out, bless her. The other diners were singing happy birthday with us lol The food at Haz was so good, it's Turkish and I think everyone else was stuffed but I left a little bit of my main to make room for dessert :D I left a bit of my coke too. I'm not used to leaving food but I realise it's stupid to keeping stuffing my face if I'm full already. I was pleasantly full by the end of the meal and I feel like I won't need any dinner but I'll wait and see until later on.

I'm staying in the office today after work to study as I find it easier to concentrate here than at home. Egg mayo is in the fridge for emergency cases haha.
No dinner in the end apart from a bite from OH's beans on toast. Slightly hungry but best not to eat so late.
Interesting reading Pog... and I'm liking that you're posting your menus too (as I'm nosey). Cutting down on dairy isn't an option for me now with my calcium issues, and in fact I'm trying to increase it(!), but I'm with you with the other additions (although haven't yet bothered with bread as I'm over 100 without it).

My fitbit has arrived but it's not to be opened until my birthday (and then the time I manage to get it set up!!).

Have a lovely break in Spain...
Well done on only eating until full and not beyond :D Hope you have a good day today Pog X
Hi Pog, are you keeping this diary when you come back from Spain or starting a new one?

Hi Sam, I hadn't thought about that. I think I'll keep this one so I have a record my thought process :D
Well done on only eating until full and not beyond :D Hope you have a good day today Pog X

Thanks Clareel, I'm so not used to leaving food but it's got to be done! When OH was preparing his beans on toast, I automatically wanted some but then stopped, asked myself if I was hungry and actually I wasn't so I was ok with just a bite from OH's plate. Conscious decision! Hope you have a good day too x