1.5lb off for me please :)

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Half of this week X
Half off for me :) x
Well done ladies 1 off for me this week giving me my 2.5st award

Ooh! Well done!!!!
I can't wait for my 2.5st award.
Means I'll have hit my target weight.
My late night Wednesday night before WI panic hasn't set in yet haha.
But hopefully I'll keep it going steady and be able reach achievements as brilliant as yours!
Lol why panic hun. Your doing smashing - my journey has been slow but steady, that way I make sure the weight stays off.
I just panic that I haven't lost.
There's always something I worry about that I've not done well enough to lose.
Last week I had chips at the seaside and worried it would affect my loss.
This week I've missed 2 gym sessions due to totm and really not feeling up to going to the gym.

And people say using up my (optional) weeklies and activity points helps with a bigger loss.
I don't use any of mine. And I don't want to mess around trying to figure out what combination gives me the biggest loss cuz I risk having a gain.
And right now, 2lbs a week is a steady amount, but it's all in the right direction. I'm not ready for the disappointment I know will hit me if I put on.

Haha. I overthink and overanalyse anything, and then I worry about stuff.
I'm a worrier lol
Lol I had noticed by your post just now. Its easy to say relax and dont put pressure on yourself but when your made that way it cant be helped. Just stick to the plan maybe keep a diary it does work for me hun
Yeah. Pressure can cause me to panic big time. And once I'm in that mode, I spiral and get anxious about all sorts.
My boyfriend is so laid back. He tries to reassure me, but I usually worry the most when I'm at home alone.
When I'm around him, I'm usually chilled out and relax.
But never mind.

Yeah, I was keeping an online log of what I was eating, but for me to stick to something, it's gotta be handwritten so I haven't tracked as thoroughly as I was doing.
I've still been on plan, just been knocking off the points from a chart when I've used them. Should really use the tracking book I get at my meetings.

I'll stop rambling now.
Thanks for anyone that didn't get bored and actually read that lol
Lol I read it. I find keeping mine on here is a massive help, its what works for you that matters. Good Luck for your WI you will be fine
Yeah. Pressure can cause me to panic big time. And once I'm in that mode, I spiral and get anxious about all sorts.
My boyfriend is so laid back. He tries to reassure me, but I usually worry the most when I'm at home alone.
When I'm around him, I'm usually chilled out and relax.
But never mind.

Yeah, I was keeping an online log of what I was eating, but for me to stick to something, it's gotta be handwritten so I haven't tracked as thoroughly as I was doing.
I've still been on plan, just been knocking off the points from a chart when I've used them. Should really use the tracking book I get at my meetings.

I'll stop rambling now.
Thanks for anyone that didn't get bored and actually read that lol

Hi Hun, I suffer with anxiety and worry all time I find gym is perfect therapy if I don't go I get so stressed tho.

I go through phases I do what works to get me through week though I am like you I love handwriting my diaries. Sometimes ill write them religiously but I find I get obsessed, I've chilled out (not on the food) on writing and planning and I've lost more weight than ever but if you don't plan your luck will run out and it make you go off track so I'm very cautious not to relax to much x

from fat to skinny jeans
Thanks texty and willfitskinny for your words.

Today I bough the deluxe starter kit from my meeting and it's got a journal in it. So going to change from online tracking to tracking in there.

And I worry unnecessarily. I know I have no need to worry, but I can't help it. Lost 2.5lbs this week.

So I'm 6.5lbs down and just 20.5lbs to target.