wow gym class looks tasty your cassorole, could i possibly sneak the recipe please??
Of course hun, here you go!
Serves 4 (Red/EE - Free, Green - 14 syns per serving)
800g/1lb lean lamb fillet but into bite sized chunks
12 shallots, peeled
8 carrots, peeled and cut into thick batons
10 alic cloves, unpeeled
1 tsp ground tumeric
2 tsp cumin seeds
2 tsp black onion (nigella) seeds
400ml/14fl oz stock made with chicken/beef bovril
salt and fresh ground black pepper
Finely chopped parsley
1 - preheat oven to 170/gas 3. Spray a large non stick frying pan with frylight and place over a high heat, add the lamb and stir fry for 6-8 mins or until browned.
2 - remove from the heat and transfer to an ovenproof caserole dish with all the remaining ingredients, apart from the parsley. Season well and bring to the boil over a high heat
3 - Cover tightly and place in the oven for 1 1/2 hours or until the meat is tender. Remove from oven and allow to stand, covered, for 10-12 mins before serving and garnish with the parsley
Enjoy hun, its really 'warming' and filling