I've tried to work out the points Value of Batchelors Low fat Super Noodles and i can't seem to do it.
The info is this per 100g
Calories = 114
Saturated Fat = 0.3g
However the pack size is 85g and it also says per 1/2 pack serving
Calories = 161
Saturated Fat = 0.5g
I know that when you add water it will obviously get heavier but how do i work out the points value?
I've even check on the WW website and I can't find these noodles on their site. Its just that I reckon they mjst be low in points as on SW they are free on a green day.
5 for the whole bloody thing. NO No No I love them in a stirfry but add some meat and a sauce and I might as well have a spag bol for the points value!
Sainsburys White Sauce with Cheese 400g - 9.5 per jar
Dolmio Lasagne White Sauce - 470g - 9.5 per jar
Colman's White Sauce Packet Mix - 2 per packet (you would have to count extra for the milk you make it up with)
Sainsburys Instant Pourover White Sauce - 4 per packet (but you just add water)
I reckon that because of your, very comprehensive points answer there Rach, you retake the points queen title from Jen....must try harder, Jen. Must try harder xx